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I opened my eyes quickly, only to see a heartbreakingly familiar sight. I was on top of the Addison apartments, seated in a chair while rain pelted down on top of me. I looked around for Larry, I cried out for him. But he wasn't anywhere around me- he wasn't... he wasn't with me.

I jumped as a lightning strike danced down from the sky and landed next to me. I was confused, as the apartments were completely empty and had no metal on top of it (from what I could tell). Why the hell was there so much lightning around here? I turned, coming face eco face with a hooded man.

"YOU are the bringer of the apocalypse! YOU are the savior! The bringer of destruction, of death! We are your worshippers, the ones who follow in your path to destroy anyone who may challenge you, and destroy anything that gets in your way! We are the children of the storm! Oh holy one, take us in as your children, so that we may be free of the bindings of life!" Some of his speech cut out, since he was alive.

Holy one? Worshippers? What's going on! What does he mean by apocalypse.. where is Larry?! I tried to stand up, but my hands were bound to the chair, flashing memories of the trial in my brain. I felt the jolt of electricity shoot through me again, the memory of the feeling so strong it felt like it was there.

I screamed out, the pain surging through my body like I was connected to live wires. I jolted forwards, and as I did more lightning connected to the building. The roof ignited with flames, causing me to panic. I wasn't supposed to be strapped down, I'm a ghost. I wasn't supposed to feel pain, I'm a ghost.

I gulped as the pain stopped, trying to catch my unsteady breath. I want Larry to be here, I want him to hold me. I want to hold him.

"Do you except us, oh mighty one? Will you keep us safe through the storm of fire and sparks you bring down upon the world, or will you shun us? Will you leave us helpless as we cry out for you, hopeful to receive your glory?" The man called again, pleading on his knees.

"If I am your god, if you worship me, why do you keep me in bindings? Are you afraid?" I asked, attempting to sound as stoic as possible. It was all a ploy to make them think o was what they thought of me, I wasn't really a god and I knew that. Two hooded men came from behind me and unstrapped me.

I turned around.. and regretted it. Behind me was my physical body. It scared me to see it.. it really did. My face was incredibly bloody, scars reopened from the trauma of the shock.

"We are sorry holy one. You must go back- for us! For your children." One man said. They pulled out a strange device and held it to my real body. It felt like I was caught in a vacuum- being pulled towards my body. I refused, grabbing pulling.

In this form there was no pain, no suffering.

I refused to go back, even if it killed me all over again.


I ran as hard as I could, as hard as my legs would allow. All the way back to the apartments, where I saw Sal. So many men, too... they turned to me. They could... see me.


I ran past the one that turned, making my way to the roof. Sal saw me, and something happened... wether it's good or bad? That's debatable. But it saved our afterlives.


Cliffhanger, I know.

I'm sorry uploading has been slow. Today was weird for me- it's like I just went through it in a fog. A haze.

I'm also pretty sick and need to go to the doctor, so that's fun. I've had at LEAST one coughing fit per day, yay. But hey, I bought some contacts today and that's good! It's not all bad!

Now I'm gunna probably play Detroit: Become Human for the first time with my mum. (I've watched play throughs, never played it myself until today!). How was your day? I hope it was good :)

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now