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I stood at the base of the treehouse, debating on rather I should run back in and carry through with the figures plan. I need to...


I marched through Chug's apartment door, slamming the knife down into his skull without hesitation. I turned to face Soda, innocently staring back at me. She has no idea..

"Can I hawve a piggyback now, Sawwy fawce?" She asked, smiling. I bit my lip, tears pouring down my face.

"Yeah... soon." I smiled sadly, winding the knife up above my head and swooped it down. In one quick motion, she was gone...


I made my way to my fathers apartment, peaking inside.

"Hey, Sal! How have yo- Sal..? What's on your shirt? Your prosthetic, y-your- what're you holding?" Henry asked, backing away from me as I entered the room.

"Nothing, daddy. I love you." I said, tears trickling down my face and mixing with the fresh blood as they fell together.
(If I get any comments regarding the use of daddy, I will hang all of you- jk I love you all too much to do that.)

"Sal, are you ok? Who's... oh my god is that blood? Who's blood is that?! Why are you holding a knife?" He asked, his tone getting angrier and angrier.

"I'm perfectly fine... just like you will be. But I must cleanse this place of everything that has been stolen from it. The shadows cannot remain without hosts, so everyone must accept my salvation." I replied, now taking a vow of silence in my head for the rest of the time I'm here. I out out my arms in a hug like position, waiting to see if he would approach.

"Let me help you- we can fix this, it's ok. Whatever you did I'm here for you, let me get the phone." He said, quickly turning and heading towards the kitchen, where his cellphone sat. Without a sound, without hesitation, and without and sinking feelings to keep me from doing it- I pounded, and he was saved.

I looked at the limp figure, blood spilling from their head and throat. He didn't look like him anymore... he wasn't the Henry I knew now. He was saved.


I gave a gentle knock at the Johnson residence, and a tired Lisa answered the door.

"Sal? What's up?" She asked, stretching. I stayed silent, my eyes unforgiving, soulless pits that held nothing but pain. "Are you ok sweetie? You're bleeding, come inside." She said, ushering me into the apartment. I had the blade tucked behind my back, so she wouldn't notice and I could have the chance to strike at the right time. "Let me grab the first aid kit, Alright? Stay right there." She mumbled, marching down the hall.

She returned with the kit, sitting next to me on the couch and plopping it down on the table. She was sympathetic towards me, I hate feeling pitied.

"Wheres Larry, hun?" Don't say his name doesn't say his name don't- "Are you crying? Sal, what happened to Larry?! Where is my son!" She asked, her face contouring into a judging gaze.

"He saved himself..." I mumbled, looking up at her and taking the moment to strike.


I woke up screaming, jolting out of bed with a terrified look on my face. I curled up into a tight ball, my hands on my head and my eyes squeezed shut.

"It's was just a dream, SallyFace... just a dream..." I mumbled, managing to cry myself back into a dreamless slumber. I wish Larry was here...

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now