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I stared at the figure next to Todd, knowing without having to really look that it was Red Eyes. The aura it gave off was depressing and painful to be around. The room around us dropped about twenty degrees when he had appeared.

"S-Sal.." Larry mumbled,taking my hand in his and pulling me towards him, further away from Red Eyes. I wiggles out of his grip, brings my hands only about five inches apart. Sparks and small bolts of electricity flew between them, a warning sign. "Sal, don't..." Larry said quietly.

"abi daemonium habes ius corpus pueri!" I shouted, breaking the deafening silence around us. The figure let out a low, demonic hiss. "Begone demon, you have no right to this boy's body!" I said again, this time in English. It hissed again, and the whole entire room went black. I looked around- Larry wasn't there. "L-Lar? Larry?!" I called, looking around. Everything was just... black.

"Child.." I turned quickly, gasping.

"Who's there?" I asked. One set of red eyes appeared in the distance.

"You are the chosen one. You... WERE the chosen one, until you screwed everything up. You could've been a god, why give that up? All for some boy, all for some stupid morals. They left ME for you, and they were disappointed. Where did that bring you? Back to me." The voice spoke, the red eyes showing every shred of emotion as it's tone changed.

"I don't want to be a god! I don't want to be worshiped!" I shouted back shaking my head.

"You want to destroy me, right? That's what you want?" It asked in a mocking voice.

"Yes. This world? I don't want it to be destroyed. I love this world, and you wanna know why? Because I live on it, you dumbass. You'd destroy it, I did what I needed to to stop you." I growled back, glaring daggers in its direction.

"If you destroy me now he will perish, too." The thing said lowly, and Todd appeared through the darkness. He was... him. No bloodshot eyes, non of that. Just... just Todd Morrison.

"SallyFace?" He asked, looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Oh my god, Todd.." I said, walking towards him. He stood up and bolted towards me, his arms open. He pulled me into a tight hug, crying into my tattered prison jumper.

"Well... GëT øÛt, ThËñ." I growled. Huh.. I can still use my voice control despite the angel wings.

"You'll have to kill me, first." The demon snarled, charging towards me and Todd. I shoved Todd off to the side, felt the electricity surge through me then focused the energy towards the shadow. Bolts of electricity shot out towards the shadow, and there was a loud, demonic shout.

He reappeared beside me, and I felt my throat close up. I gasped for air, trying to shock him again but failing.

"Sal! It's no use, just kill me! I'll be with you, with Larry! He won't have a host!" Todd shouted from behind me. My vision was going black.. then, I did as he said. He came towards me, I grabbed his head and let the watts surge down my arms and towards Todd. He screamed, and a demonic one followed his scream.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and when I opened them I saw Larry.

"Baby, oh my god... what'd you do to him??" He shouted, turning towards a disheveled, obviously dead Todd.

"He needed... ack... he asked me to. It was the only way." I looked around, noticing that the room was now drenched in a beautiful white light instead of darkness.

"You just... disappeared and then I saw you through the darkness with Todd, then everything just... stopped." Larry stated, pulling me into a death grip of a hug. "I thought I lost you..." he mumbled, sighing before placing a kiss on my cheek.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now