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I held my still growling stomach, shaking my head. I whipped my mouth off and slipped my mask back down, the voices still cooing insulted inside my head.

"Hey, you ok lil' dude? Do we need to leave?" Larry asked, rushing over to me.

"I'm fine. I just," I thought about telling him everything. About the voices, about... it. But I decided against it, fearing he would worry too much. "It's nothing. I just thought I saw... a... a bug." I quickly thought up an excuse, earning a chuckle from Larry.

"You are one odd ball, SallyFace. But that's what I like about you." He smiled. I managed a smiled back.

He's lying.

It pained me to hear those words, that voice. It always sounds like someone is whispering right next to me.

"Hey, earth to Sal!" Larry grinned, waving his hand in front of my 'face'.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I spaced off for a moment." I sighed, stretching my wings before sneakily poking Larry in the gut with my tail. He let out a surprised yelp, jumping.

"Oh now you're in for it!" He shouted playfully, and I began to run. I giggled as I felt Larry grab my waist, tackling me to the ground with him. I turned to face him, and he blushed a crimson red as our noses brushed together.

"Boop." I smiled, placing my pointer finger lightly against his nose.

"Ahem. Am I interrupting something?" Lisa smiled, tapping her foot. The position was incredibly incriminating, Larry pinning me to the gravel with me under him, laying on my back.

"Uh- uhm, no!" Larry stuttered out, getting off of the ground. He reached down offering me his hand. I took it, pulling myself up and brushing off my pants.

"Anyways, what's up?" I asked, turning towards Lisa and awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Lunch." She smirked, walking over to newly started campfire. Larry and I shared an awkward silence, before hurrying over to the fire. There were a few roast beef sandwiches, we had frozen the beef beforehand so we could cook them here. "Soooo... what uh, what were you two up to?" Lisa asked.

"Bouta whip our dicks out and have a sword fight." Larry joked, which Lisa didn't find very funny. I clipped him on the ear, shaking my head.

"We're were messing around, I poked him so he tackled me." I smiled innocently at Lisa. She nodded.

"Oh I know. I'm just teasing my two favorite boys." She smiled, earning a groan from Larry.

"Thanks moooom." I joked back, earning a playful wink from Lisa. She got up and took our plates, walking into the RV. My dad was watching Larry and I closely. Larry pulled out his sketchbook, doodling in it. Every once and a while he'd peak up at me, looking over every detail of my 'face'. "Lar? Whatcha doing there?" I asked, puzzled.

"Just... drawing." He mumbled back. He sighed, tearing out the page and crinkling it up. He suddenly threw the probably beautiful masterpiece into the bonfire.

I swiftly stood up, gently grabbing it from the flames and blowing on it to put it out.

"Sal what the fuck!" Larry shouted, jumping up and grabbing my hands gently. "Are you hurt?"

"What? No, Lar. I'm a demon. Fire good." I smiled. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, sorry." He mumbled, smiling awkwardly.

"Uh, Lar?"


"You can let go now." I taunted, nodding towards our intertwined hands. He quickly reeled back his hands, shoving them in his front pockets. The evening went on, and ended way too quick.

"Alright, boys. Now no funny business, I'm sleeping just over there!" Lisa snickered. My face flushed a light pink, and I just face palmed.

"And don't sit too close to Larry.." my dad mumbled in a gruff voice, leaving without even saying goodnight. Larry and I settled into the bed, and I let out a content sigh as we slowly fell asleep, just inches apart.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now