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I couldn't watch as they flipped the switch and ended him. I ran as far away as I could, all the way out of the prison. I'm not quit sure why I can wonder as a ghost- but I can go anywhere I want. I stayed like that after Mrs. Rosenberg said I shouldn't be able to move around after Sal fought Terrance, but... I can.

I wondered for  while, making my way back to the prison. I wonder if- HOLY FUCK KNUCKLES!


I wonder if I can phase through a wall. Like... can I just walk right through it? I put my hand on the wall and, nope. It was like a solid object.. then I imagined it. Imagined myself phasing through the walls and into the next room. Sure enough, that did the trick, and I stumbled into the empty room.

Huh. That means I should be able to pick up objects. Though, I did try to pick up beefy guys fork and stab him with it, but my hand just went through the whole table- maybe if I imagine it? Man a lot of being a ghost takes imagination, huh?

I walked over to the cafeteria, just in time to find beefy guy throwing that James dude to the ground. Typical.

"Sal!" I heard a voice say.. it came from behind me. It sounded so familiar yet so distant.. and with it brought memories I had shoved back. The image of a ghost haunted my mind, his milky white eyes swirling while the veins in his arms and face were now the most apparent feature of his. I turned quickly, just in time to see a figure standing at the opposite end of the room from me.

I froze. We both did, just staring at each other. Then, as of a barrier broke, both him and I ran to each other a the same time. We pulled each other into a tight hug, and he picked me up and spun me around.

We both just kinda sat there holding each other, balling our eyes (haha, very funny..) out.

"I love you so fucking much oh my god please never leave me like that again! You hear me?! I'll kill your ghost!" I shouted, gripping onto his shirt as if it was the edge of a cliff I held onto before plummeting into a deep abyss.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry.. I love you so much, I'm so sorry for leaving you. I just couldn't do it anymore.. the cult, collage, mom, and-"

"Me..?" I mumbled through choked sobs, looking up at him.

"What?! No! You delayed this so much, SallyFace! I'm not sure what the straw that broke the camels back was, but I swear it wasn't you. I love you more than anything and I literally can't be without you.. and I won't have to anymore. I thought about you everyday, watched you almost everyday. That first year I cried every single day, that second year I tried to get your attention, and the third year I felt like I was going insane without you. You're the moon to my sun, the light in the darkness, SallyFace.. you are my everything." He smiled gently, wrapping a protective arm around me.

"You're my sun and my stars, I love you so much, Lar... and if this is a dream, I will kill the man that tries to wake me." I cried, wrapping my arms around him and leaning into his touch. "I love you so much, Larry..."

"Not to break up this sweet little moment but we kinda need this blue headed twink." A very sudden, very angry voice spoke. I turned around, and what I saw chilled me to the bone.

Three men in cloaks surrounded by a slight mist. Their cloaks had lighting on them, and if you looked just right at the daggers they held, you could see the words "children of the storm" written on them.

One reached out, touched me, and my whole world fell apart all over again.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now