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Uhhhhhh NSFW?? Kinda.

I smiled, watching the way his hips swayed as the booming beat of the music continued. Phillip's light blue hair bounced as he moved, but all I could see was Sal when I looked at him. I shook the thought away, moving with Phil as the music played louder.

Other campsites kinda got annoyed with us, but we had rented out most the ones around us so we could party the night away. I was lost in thought as Phillip grabbed my hands pulling them towards his waist. I went through with the action, and we danced together, his arms around me and my arms around him. That's when he does it... he leans in, tilting his head slightly, fluttering his eyes closed, and opening his mouth a tad bit.

I go through with it- maybe it'll help me push away the feelings I have for Sal. I don't deserve someone like him.

Phillip was a sloppy kisser, but it still sent me over the moon to have... physical contact with someone else. He stopped the kiss, taking my hand and coaxing me into the RV. He laid me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me and leaving deep purple marks all over my neck. I wasn't used to this- I was normally in control.

I grabbed his waist, pulling a 180 and flipping him gently onto his back with me on top of him. I slithered my hands under his shirt, pulling it above his head. He let out soft moans as I trailed hickeys from his neck, to his chest, and down to his stomach.

"Agh~ L-Larry~" he moaned out, tugging lightly at my hair.

This is wrong.

My mind bagged me to stop but I was too far gone, and the mix of alcohol and lust in my system didn't help. Then, the worst thing I could possibly imagine happened.

The door swung open.

A small male walked in, concern plaguing his voice as he called out my name.

Glass shattering.

Muffled cries and gentle footsteps.

I sat up, running after Sal and leaving Phillip shirtless and horny. I didn't care... it's not what I wanted anyways. I wanted Sal... I wanted my best friend.


I ran as fast as I could, letting out choked cries. I ran until my small legs gave out, causing me to collapse somewhere on the road. Each breath I took stung, my lungs were on fire and my mind was racing.

I did what I could- I screamed. I screamed until my throat was soar and I couldn't take it anymore, resorting to just crying my eye out.

Told you so.

A voice pried at my mind, chipping away what little sanity I had left. Why was I so upset? He wouldn't love a freak like me, he wouldn't care, he wouldn't... remember.

I scratched at my arms, leaving small cuts that dripped pellets of blood. I looked around, my hands bloodied already from the glass that shattered, and from tearing at my arms.

I picked up a small, empty beer bottle and smashed it. I gathered the shards picking out the sharpest one and pressing it against my thin wrist.


A different voice shouted over the one tormenting me.

He wouldn't want this, no matter how much you think he hates you, he wouldn't.

You're weak, ŠÂŁŁŸFÄĆÊ.

A war, an argument more like, raged on in my head. The logical side of me wanted to step away, tell Larry off, but me? The real me? I just wanted to be forgotten by everyone. If I wasn't born my mom would be alive, Larry would be happy, dad could be-

"SALLY FACE!!" I heard Larry scream, and he ran up to me, crying. "What'd you do to yourself?!" He managed to sob out, grabbing my wrists. My eyes widened, the glass now bloodied from what I had just done.

"I'm sorry, don't hate me, I'm so so so sorry, I love you so much Larry please I-" Larry hushed me, pulling me into a hug. He cried, I cried, and we just sat there in one another's embrace.

My vision started to fade, and the darkness finally consumed my mind.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now