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I sighed, getting out of the car.

"Wanna head into the gas station with me? We can grab some snacks." Larry smiled. I nodded , smiling back. Larry outstretched his hand, and I took it as e walked towards the store. Once we got to the door I read the numerous signs, stopping in my tracks at one particular sign.

"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, no demons allowed..." I read it out loud. Larry put a hand on my shoulder before promptly grabbing the sign and balling it up, throwing it to the ground.

"Let's go." He mumbled, walking in. Everything was fine until I was noticed by the cashier.

"You can't be here." He growled, flapping his golden white wings in irritation. I tended up.

"Why? Why can you refuse service to demons just because they're demons?" I asked, a tinge if sadness evident in my voice.

"You're awful creatures, it's in your nature. Is this man bothering you, sir?" He asked turning to Larry. Larry shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist then pulling me closer.

"Not sure, doesn't look like he's bothering me." Larry replied, a shit eating grin tugging at his face.

"No... the beast has blinded you... to the truth.." the cashier replied blatantly. Suddenly Lisa walked in, she'd smile fading as she saw the confrontation.

"What's going on..?" She asked carefully.

"This... this creature barged into this safe haven! He's... he's not supposed to be here." the cashier blurted.

"Pardon me sir, but I do so believe that if he isn't disturbing the piece he is perfectly fine!" Lisa growled, shaking her head. "C'mon boys. We have a campfire to enjoy."

I nodded, following behind Lisa as she made her way outside. A look of sadness plagued her face as she turned towards me.

"I'm so sorry, Sal. For everything.. how you've been treated. You're such a sweet kid, and I'm sorry that the world is so cruel to you." I was surprised by her sudden mood change, but smiled brightly as she pulled me into a warm, motherly hug.

"Non of it is your fault, Lisa. You don't have to be sorry." I mumbled, smiling even wider.

"I know, but I'm still sorry." She sighed, pulling away from the hug and walking towards her car.

"She's so sweet to everyone. I don't know how she does it." Larry huffed, walking towards the car he was driving. Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong...?

Hé hâtéś ÿøú. Ÿøü šhòwëd hîm ÿôūr fæćė.

I heard a voice mock and taunt. I looked around, but no one was there. I made my way over to Larry, slowly opening the car door and getting in. Larry started the car, pulling out of the gas station and following behind Lisa.

"Larry..." I managed to say, a sad tone overcoming my voice.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking over with a small smile.

"Did I- do you... are you upset with me? Tired of everyone being jerks because you hang out with me?" I asked bluntly.

"What?! Sal, are you kidding?! Dude you're the most amazing person I know, demon or not. I couldn't imagine my life without you. Never forget that." He stated, gently grabbing my hand.

"Thank you, Lar... I love you." I whispered the last part.

"What was that?" He asked sincerely.

"Hm? Oh... it's nothing." I smiled.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now