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I groaned silently as she seemed to notice me, her face brightening up as she made her way over.

"Heyyyy!" She smiled excitedly, flinging her arms around me.

"Uh... hi." I answered, patting her back awkwardly.

"I haven't seen you in so long! I know we broke up but that's no reason we can't be friends! How about we go get drinks?" She asked, smiling.

You see, we broke up for a few reasons:
A.) she's a crazy bitch who stalked my social media, then me, then tried to stab me when she got too drunk after I cut ties.

B.) I don't like her like that... not anymore.

C.) she tried to kill gizmo, then when she found out how much time I spent with Larry... she put him in the hospital. Like... tried to murder him. She tried to cut off his wings, but when he started fighting back she just stabbed him in the stomach. Luckily it was dull, and a short knife.

"Mhm... sure.." damn you, Sal. Why can't you just tell someone to fuck off when they're trying to be nice, just once?! We walked over to the drink table.

"What do you like? They have whiskey." She smiled.

"What kind?" I asked nervously.

"Jameson." She smiled with a smug face.

"Black label?!" I almost shouted. She didn't even answer, just waved the bottle in my face then began to pour it into a red solo cup. I snatched up the drink when she finished pouring herself one and lifted my mask up a very small bit. Slowly I took sips of the drink, smiling.

"So, hows life?" She asked. I shrugged.

"It's fine, I guess." I replied. I really didn't want to talk to her. My vision suddenly blurred a bit, but not to the extent of 'I seriously can't see'. Then I started to see things that I don't think were actually there... it all happened so fast that I'm not sure where it came from. "Will you excuse me?" I asked her as I made my way to the washroom.

In the hall I was stopped by a familiar face- Travis.

"Hey, freak." He growled out. I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"What do you want?" I snapped back, glaring at him.

"Calm your tits. I just want to show you what I found while snooping around. It's in the hall closet."

"Why do you think I'd care?" I asked.

"Because it's got to do with Larry." He replied. I stopped for a moment then nodded and walked towards the closet. Travis opened it up.

"What do you see? It's like pitch black in here." I mumbled, sticking my head into the cramped space.

"I see a gullible little boy." He growled, pushing me into the closet and presumably locking the door.

"HEY!" I screamed, banging on the door. "LET ME OUT!"

"Sorry! No can do, amigo!" Travis yelled back. "See ya!" Then I heard footsteps. I backed myself against the wall and charged the door, shouting as I felt my shoulder pop. It didn't budge, so I tried again. And again. I used my wings as a moving force, flapping them behind me as I ran towards the door to gain speed. Still nothing.

I sat down against a wall, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my wings around my entire body. They were big enough to cover my curled up body, and I sighed.

I started to hear voices, but I knew they weren't really there... they were whisperers. I peaked out and what I saw nearly killed me to just look at it.

My mother, stomach hanging out, flesh ripped, and skin practically dyed red, stood before me.

"You killed me." She muttered, her cloudy eyes devoid of any emotion.

NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now