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I always wondered why no one here had wings; after all, humans didn't exist in this universe. But now I know the painful truth... in this prison, they take your wings from you... permanently.

I cried. For a really long time. It all hurt so bad, the feeling of their rusty instruments digging into my skin. Then, a weight lifted off my back.. then another. Suddenly my lower back was cut into, and they removed something else. They've now taken everything from me... and I hate them for it.

I swear sometimes that I can see Larry. Just a fleeting glance but it feels so real. Maybe the doctors are right.. Jesus.. had Larry even existed? Of course he did, don't be daft, Sal... but... what if he didn't..? I was jolted out of my thoughts very suddenly by a tapping on my cell door.

"You have a visitor." A loud voice spoke. I didn't budge, looking down at the floor and trying to ignore the seeming pain in my back. "I said," they entered the cell, grabbing my arm. "You have a visitor, Fisher." They'd growled, forcing me to my feet and walking me down a small hall. The air was fresher here, we were closer to freedom. But I'd never taste that again- not until the day my soul leaves my body.

He sat me down behind some glass, and on the other side stood a figure I least expected to see.

"T-Travis?" I stuttered out, squinting.

"Hey, Sal.." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What are you doing here... I thought you hated me?" I was so confused... why has he visited me? He finds me disgusting why go out of your way to interact?

"I don't- Sal, I don't hate you. That was all... a facade. For my father. Truth is, I really really liked you back in high school- like, a lot. I came to make amends, to say I'm sorry." He smiled calmly, sliding his hands through the small holes in the glass and placing them over mine. I flinched for a moment, but eventually smiled back.

"That.. that takes balls, Phelps. Ya know... admitting you're wrong. So, thank you.. so much." I sighed, releasing built up tension.

"I- uh... yeah. Look, Sal... I think you're innocent. And I wanted to come here, not just to make amends but to say... I'm testifying in your defense. I don't want you to die, Sal I couldn't- I couldn't let that happen.. to you." He bit his lip as his eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, don't cry.. thank you. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that not everyone thinks I'm crazy.. I lost Ash for that reason exactly, I'm glad I have a friend to count on." I smiled.

"Heh... yeah. She was pretty shaken up, ya know. I... so, what happened... ya know, to your wings?" He asked calmly. I was so caught up in the moment that I had totally forgot about those...

"They... took them from me. I don't know why, though. No one here has wings.. they strip away your identity. Make you a slave to them..." I replied.

"Jesus... I'm so sorry, Sally. Ya know... I always did wonder what was under your mask.." he dragged on his sentence, but I already knew what he was going to ask; so I slowly removed the dust mask from my mouth and set it aside. Travis smiled wider than I've ever seen him smile, and a light blush flushed across his cheeks. "I'm gunna fight for you. Mark my words, Sal. You're not alone anymore." With that he was forced to leave, but the guard wouldn't let me leave.

"You have one more visitor, grumble grumble..." I waited, then a girl rounded the corner, her cheeks stained with black mascara. My eyes widened as she sat in front of me, moving a strand of hair from her eye.


NIGHTMARES AND NICOTINE  (Sallary Demon x Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now