Take me back

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[Hey i really hope you enjoy this story I've been plotting it for such a long time. Also Y/N means your name!]


The deafening sound of my alarm woke me up, a loud groan coming from my lips. I scrambled out of bed and made my way downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the room. I walked into the kitchen to find my dad cooking.

"Morning dad." I said sitting down on a bar stool.

"Morning sunshine, after breakfast could you wake Peter up?"

"Sure thing dad."

Me and my dad were really close, every since my mum left he had made sure my life was as fun as possible.he done a pretty good job at that considering he was the one and only Tony Stark. People think I'm spoilt and a brat because my dad has so much money and fame but really the only thing that matters to me is my family.The avengers live with me too as well as my best friend Peter and his aunt May. Me and Peter had been best friends for as long as I can remember, we are inseparable.

I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to wake Peter up. I crept across the hallway and waits outside his bedroom door. I slowly turned the handle and walked inside. He was still asleep, his brown curls draped over his face and his mouth was open wide. I grabbed a pillow from his bed and hit him with it causing him to wake up instantly.

"Damn you Y/N!" He yelled shoving me off the bed.

I laughed holding my stomach.

"You think that was funny huh?"

Oh no.

I quickly got off the floor and farted into my room but unfortunately he caught up to me. Damn you and your Spider man skills Peter.

He tackled me onto my bed and began tickling my sides.

"N-no please s-stop!" I laughed

"Tell me your worry and I'll stop."he smirked

"I-I'm sorry!"

With that he climbed off of me and left my room shutting my door behind him.

I got dressed into a black crop top, some blue skinny jeans and my high top converse. I curled my hair and decided to leave it down. I applied some light makeup and put in some earrings. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

"Parker you ready?, Charlie's riding with us today!" I shouted

Charlie was my boyfriend. We have been dating for 2 years now. Peter doesn't really approve of him. I just think it's his big brother instincts kicking in. My name at school is Y/N Fray so nobody knows I'm a Stark.

"Yeah I'm ready, race to the car?"

"Oh your on Parker."

I ran outside and beat Peter to Happy's car. I got in and put my seat belt on.

"Good morning Happy."

"Morning." He replied keeping his eyes on the road.

We soon arrived at Charlie's house and he was already waiting outside. He got in. I have him a light peck on the lips before scrolling through my phone.  We made small talk here and there but most of the journey was in silence. Peter looked zoned out. We pulled up to the school car park.

"Peter, Peter" I said waving my hand in his face.

"Are you ok?, You kinda zoned out." I asked concerned.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine."

"Ok, well me and Charlie are heading to class early, bye love you monkey boy."

"Love you too, Princess."

We've had them nicknames ever since we were 8. Peter was called monkey boy because he always use to climb trees and I was called princess because I used to make castles out of old pieces of wood or cardboard, and we've used them ever since.

Charlie glared at Peter. He was always getting jealous because of how me and Peter were. I always told him there was nothing to worry about, but deep down I didn't believe that myself.

I turned the corner to put my stuff in my locker and I saw Carla slowly approach me.

Carla is the school's popular girl. She has a lot of attitude and sass, and shes a total bitch. She's been bullying me since year 5. Peter always defended me.

"Hey, I gotta use the bathroom." Charlie said kissing me on the head before running off.


"Hey bitch." Carla giggled slamming my locker shut.

"What do you want Carla?"

"Nothing, just like to annoy you"

"Of course, because you have nothing better to do."

"Watch your mouth rat."She said through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" 

She slapped me around the face, leaving a red hand print.

I punched her in the face causing her nose to bleed. Thank god Natasha was my trainer.

"Nobody likes you, nobody loves you, your on your own, all your friends are fake, rot in hell you bitch." She said punching me in the face and once in the stomach.

I just stood there taking in her words. Maybe she was right. How could anyone love me?

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist but I couldn't see who it was because my vision was clouded by tears.

"Hey, hey it's ok."

It was Peter.

I snuggled my head into his chest and cried. I didn't really care that his shirt was getting wet and I don't think he did either.

"P-peter is it true?, Do you not like me?" I asked through sobs.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"I don't just like you Y/N I love you, your my best friend, my little dorky sister, It's impossible not to love you."

"Thanks, nerd." I said laughing.

"Anytime, Dork." 

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