Never stopped loving you...

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Me and Peter spent the rest of the day together, we went to Delmar's and we sat on top of the tallest just talking until sunset. I had missed him so much. When we got back to the tower everyone was there, my dad was the only one that knew I was here so when I arrived everyone was surprised and in tears.

It was know the next morning and I was going to school, everyone was saying it's too soon but I wanted to go, I missed MJ and Ned. Me and dad had spent most of the night arguing about it before he gave in because I was 'as stubborn as he is, so there was no way he was going to win'.

I was prepared for school, physically, but definitely not emotionally, I know that I am going to get talked about a lot, Flash was going to be the worst, I should be fine right?

A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts.

"Come in." I shouted still looking in my mirror.

It was Peter.


"Hey, are you sure about this you don't have to-"

I cut him off by kissing him. I pulled away and looked back at the mirror whilst he put his hands around me from behind and put his chin on my head.

"I'll be fine Peter, I promise, It will be tricky I already know that, but it has to be done." I said turning around in his arms.

"Fine, you win, for now." He whined.

"Shut up you big baby, now come on we have a school to go to." I said dragging him out of the room.

We went downstairs and said goodbye to everyone before rushing out the door and getting in the car. Me and Peter were talking when the car slowly pulled to a stop.

"We're here." Happy groaned from the drivers seat.

"Thanks Happy, bye!" I yelled getting out of the car.

Once Peter was out of school we walked down the halls hand in hand, I could feel the glares and I could hear the whispers but I tried my best to tune them out. Peter must of realised as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, I looked up at him and smiled.

"Y/N is that you?"

"MJ!" I screamed.

We ran towards each other and ended up running into each other and we both ended up on the floor laughing.

"I missed you dork, you left me with these losers."  MJ said getting up and then helping me up.

"I missed you too, they aren't that bad, or did they get worse whilst I was gone?" I asked giggling.

"Definitely got worse." she replied.

Ned stood behind her with a hand on his heart and a fake hurt expression on his face.

"I missed you too buddy." I said punching him in the shoulder and then giving him a hug.

"Good, I missed you too loser."

The bell rang and we all ran to Chemistry which strangely, we all had together.

We got to the class out of breath and late. Every ones eyes were on me.

"Ah look who's back, the murderer." Flash grinned.

"Shut up Flash." Peter warned and put a protective arm in front of me.

"Stay out of this Parker, stop defending a criminal." Flash spat.

"Leave me alone Flash I haven't done anything to you, I'm not proud of what I've done but it wasn't my fault, if you didn't hear I was brainwashed." I mumbled.

"Yeah but you willingly gave yourself to HYDRA, doesn't that say something?"

"Yes to keep New York from getting destroyed, they had bombs planted in every part of the city, if I didn't go you would all be dead." I replied walking towards him.

"Woah stay back, what are you gonna do, kill me?" He laughed high fiving one of his friends.

I walked out of the classroom not caring if someone followed me. I slid down a wall and sobbed.He was right I was a murderer.

"Y/N?" Peter called.

"Don't listen to him, it wasn't your fault." He said crouching in front of me and taking my hands in his.

"But what if it is? What if I wanted to do those things but just didn't know." I cried.

He didn't say anything instead he brought me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Do you still love me? I mean i'm a mess, I don't understand how you tolerate me."

"I never stopped loving you Y/N"

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