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Peters POV

The sound of my phone ringing awakens me, I turn to my phone lying on my bedside table and read the contact. Tony.

"Hey, you do know it's 2am right now in Miami?" I whisper

"Yes I do but this is an emergency, Y/N had some sort of panic attack and well her eyes changed red, we done some tests on her whilst she was unconscious and she's a mutant like her mother was." Tony said.

"S-she's a what?!" I question getting angry

"Hey kid calm down how do you think this is on her, she won't touch or speak to anyone because she's scared she will hurt someone." Tony raises his voice on the other end of the phone.

"I-I'm sorry I'm just shocked that's all." I reply calming my tone.

"But we have another problem, if HYDRA find out that Y/N is a mutant it gives them more of a reason to kidnap her." Tony says his breaths becoming shaky.

"Tony, me and May have to come back, I need to protect her, please Tony I really miss her, I wanna help." I whisper

"I'll send over a private jet tomorrow morning around 9am make sure your ready." Tony replies

"Thank you I'll see you tomorrow." I say ending the call.

I'm finally seeing Y/N again, it's nearly been a whole year without her and it's been the most difficult year of my life.
I managed to get a full night sleep on the thought I was seeing Y/N the next day.

I woke up May and told her the plan she was skeptical at first but soon agreed. We packed all our clothes because we had no idea how long we were staying. We arrived at the airport at 8:50 the plane was already there.

We walked up towards the plane and the pilot instantly greeted us and let us board the plane.

The journey was long I ended up falling asleep lent against the window.

"We have landed." The pilot announced.

I jumped out of my seat grabbing my suitcase on the way and walked straight off the plane to see Tony standing next to his car.

"Hey kid." Tony said giving me a hug.

"Hey, is Y/N here?" I ask

"No she's at home she won't come out of her room hopefully you can change that." He says turning to Aunt May.

After we all said our hellos we got in the car. The drive was silent it was a comfortable silence though.

We finally parked outside of Tony's house, it still looked the same but yet so different, the walls were still white, and the glass door still shone brightly in the sun.

I took in deep breathes as we walked through the door.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Tony asks concern shining in his eyes.

"Yeah just nervous to see her again that's all."I admit

"Well she's in her room, I'll come with you." Tony replies already walking up the glass stairs.

We stood outside of Y/N bedroom where we could hear muffled cries coming from inside.

"You ready kid?" Tony whispered

"Yeah" I reply

Tony slowly opened the door revealing Y/N broken down on her bed.

"Hey sunshine, what's wrong?" Tony panics sitting next to her.

"Don't get to close I could hurt you." She cried

"I'm not going anywhere sunshine ok, I'm staying by your side."

"Dad please just go I don't know what I'd do with myself if I hurt you, I love you so much dad." Y/N cried even more.

"Ok, I'll leave but there is someone else that wants to talk to you, I love you too kid." Tony says exiting the room.

"Hey" I whisper

"P-Peter?" Y/N paused looking directly at me.

She raced of her bed and swung her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug, I put one arm around her head and the other was secured around her waist.

"Hey, I've missed you so much you know that?" I whisper into her hair.

"I've missed you too." She sniffles

"Wait Peter you can't be in here I'm dangerous I might hurt you." Y/N says pulling back

"Hey your not dangerous, why do you feel like your dangerous?" I question although I already knew the answer.

"Im a mutant, I have powers I can move things with my mind and my eyes change red."

"Do you wanna know a secret, I have powers too sort of." I reply trying to make her understand

"Really what sort of powers?" She asks curiosity taking over her.

"I can shoot webs, can climb buildings and I have super strength I'm Spider-Man." I whisper

"Wait your Spider-Man?" Y/N asked clapping her hands in excitement.

"Yeah and sometimes I think I'm going to hurt everyone around me and I just want to lock myself away so I don't hurt people but then I realise that my powers are a gift and I can do good things with them and only have to do bad things if it's for the right reason." I say trying to hint things at Y/N.

"Yeah I guess your right maybe I can do good with my powers but I'll need training to control them because they appear whenever I get angry." Y/N says realising things.

"See with a little bit of training you can put your powers towards the good things." I say

"Thanks Peter I don't know what I'd do without you." Y/N cries hugging me again.

"Wait, are you going to leave again because I don't know if I can handle the
depression again... please don't leave." Y/N cries

"I won't leave again I promise." I seal
the promise by kissing her on the forehead.


We spent the rest of the afternoon in Tony's lab training, she was getting better at controlling her powers but she was quite nervous to be around me and Tony because she thought she was going to kill us.

"I'm going to go shower up I stink."
Y/N stated

"Ok." I giggled

Y/N left the room leaving me and Tony in silence.

"I just wanna say thank you for being here Peter, she hasn't been the same with you gone, she went through a deep depression, she wasn't eating, drinking and all she would do was sit on her balcony and I was so scared that one day she was going to jump." Tony says his eyes filling with tears.

"She would never do that she's a fighter, she can handle herself, she just needed to let go for a while, every fighter needs a break." I replied patting Tony's shoulder.

"Yeah your right she's a Stark and a Stark always gets through it."
He said wiping the brim of his eyes getting rid of the excess tears.

After that conversation we headed to the kitchen to get a drink and make some dinner whilst Y/N was still getting ready.

Me and Tony we're catching up whilst making spaghetti and meatballs we just finished as Y/N came down the stairs, she was wearing my favourite hoodie that she stole off me before I left and a pair of grey joggers I bought her for her 15th birthday which was last year and her hair was wet and in a bun on the top of her head with a few loose strands shaping around her face.


"Hey Y/N dinner is on the table we'll be over to eat with you in a minute." I said grabbing myself a drink

"Ok." Y/N replied walking to the dining room.

I felt kinda strange when I was looking at Y/N I felt stronger feelings towards her, and I felt nervous around her.

Was I falling for Y/N?

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