What is love?

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Peters POV

The morning lessons went by slowly and I kept checking the clock counting down to lunch. When it finally arrived me and Ned were the first to get to the table. Later in Y/N and Charlie arrived and sat down with us.

"Where's MJ" Y/N asked

"I don't know" I replied whilst eating my lunch.

We all had our conversations laughing and talking until Y/N said she was going to find MJ and look for Charlie because he had been in the toilet for a while.

"Ned can I tell you something?" I asked nervously

"Sure what is it?" He asked

" Umm I'm moving away." I whispered.

"What why, does Y/N know?" He blurted out

" Ned be quite, I can't tell you and no she doesn't and I don't know if I can bring myself to tell her." I said.

Ned went to say something but Y/N came in along with MJ. Y/N's eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. She came over and sat at the table, MJ had her arm over her shoulder with a look of sympathy in her eyes.

"Hey Y/N your boyfriend tastes nice!" I turned around to see Carla walking past our table licking her lips as she spoke.

Charlie and Carla seriously. I knew there was something wrong with that guy. I'm gonna kill him for hurting my little sister. I clenched my fists in frustration as I thought of Charlie and Carla together. I knew he was going to break her heart in the end but she was too nice too see behind his fake act.

"Peter p-please don't make this any worse than it already is." Y/N cried.

It broke my heart seeing her like this so I calmed down for her sake and mine too I guess because if I started a fight the principal and Aunt May wouldn't be happy. I slowly walked over to Y/N and pulled her into a tight hug as her fragile body shook uncontrollably. We stood like this for a few minutes before the bell went and Y/N looked so upset and nervous.

"I-i have a class with Charlie AND Carla!" Y/N screamed.

She looked so frustrated.

" Y/N I have the same class as you, its ok" I said

I had realised that Y/N intertwined her hand with mine because she didn't want people to notice her shaking.I just went along with it because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, plus I loved her.

only as a friend though right?

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