Back to school

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As me and Peter walked through the school gates my nerves got the best of me and I started getting sweaty palms. Peter must of recognised this as I felt him grab my hand and squeeze it tight. I gave him a nervous smile before letting go and walking to my locker. When I opened it I found a note, it read:

I see your life is starting to become perfect
but don't expect that for much longer,
you are of a great use to us
and we will take you, but for now enjoy your happiness while you can.

The letter had me a little shaken up but I quickly composed my posture when I saw Peter come my way with Ned and MJ.

"Hey, you ok?" Peter asks giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Uh yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" I nervously answered

"You just kinda seemed zoned out that's all." Peter replied

"Oh well I'm fine."

"Promise?" Peter said holding out his pinkie

"Promise" I replied linking my finger with his.

"Hang on when did this happen?" Ned asked making a circular motion with his hands.

"Oh yeah were kinda dating now" I chuckled

"Oh my god, this is amazing Parker, I didn't know you were into the slutty, nerdy type!" Carla laughed coming round the corner.

"She's not a-"

"Peter just leave it I'm ok and plus she's not worth fighting against" I smirked grabbing a hold of Peters hand.

"Jeez Y/N you moved on pretty quickly, you really are a slut" Charlie said kissing Carla on the lips.

"Shut up Charlie, you lying ass hole!" You yelled

"Oh and Carla please enjoy being sloppy seconds!" I smirked before walking off with Peter and your friends.

"Uh I don't think so!"

Carla grabbed my backpack and flung me into the lockers.

"Oh so you wanna play dirty again." I smirked

"Y/N don't, Y/N stop!" I heard Peter yell but I didn't bother to listen.

Carla went to punch me but I quite easily dodged it. I'm so thankful or Nat's training. I swung for her successfully punching her in the face. She went to kick me in the legs but I jumped over her leg, I roundhouse kicked her before she kicked me in the ribs successfully making me fall backwards as I fell I swept my foot under hers making her topple forwards. I regained my strength and went to swing for her again but was stopped by Peter jumping in front of me.

"Y/N stop your going to get yourself really hurt" He said grabbing both my wrists.

"Peter I can't, I'm not gonna let her think she can just walk all over me!" I shouted before breaking free from Peters grip.

I kicked Carla in her side as she was getting off the ground she repeated my actions but I didn't fall this time, she then punched me straight in the nose. I quickly kicked her in the side then knocked her in the legs and punched her in the face causing her to fall I began to walk off but was only met with a kick in the ribs and a punch in the stomach and repeatedly kicked in the head. I tried to get up to stop Carla walking away but it was no use.

"Y/N! Y/N can you hear me!"

"Yeah I can hear you Peter." I breathed out.

"Can you stand?"

"I don't think so." I replied

I felt a pair of arms wrap there way around my fragile body .

"Y/N it's ok I'm carrying you, you can rest." I hear Peter whisper.

I was into much pain to stay awake so I let my heavy eye lids close.

When I woke up I realised I was in a hospital bed, connected to loads of machines.

"Y/N your awake." Peter says.

"yeah" I say in a groggy voice.

"You scared me, you know." Peter says grabbing your hand in his.

"I'm ok now though, aren't I?"

"Yeah, yeah you are."

You lean and place a delicate and needy kiss on Peter's lips to reassure him.


"Really Peter, you called my dad?"

"Yeah sorry babe."

"It's fine" you sighed.

"Sunshine, are you ok?" My dad panicked.

"Dad chill,I'm fine Carla just got lucky." I spat.

"Oh god, kiddo you need to stop getting into fights for a while, your gonna give me a heart attack." Dad sighed in relief.

"I'll try old man." I giggled before being engulfed in a hug by my dad.

I was slightly uncomfortable in the hospital, me and dad were similar in that way, we hated hospitals. My arms started to itch from the IV drop placed in my arm.

"Dad please can I take these stupid things out?!" You asked clearly paranoid.

"Sorry kid gotta keep 'em in, also your staying overnight." Dad said sympathetically.

"ugh" I let out in a frustrated sigh.

Me,Peter and dad snuggled up close and watched films for the rest of the night, that was until you fell asleep.

Well today was quite eventful.

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