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Peters POV

After watching Spongebob for several hours
Y/N fell asleep with her body in between my legs and her head resting on my chest. I didn't bother to move her, she was so peaceful in her sleep. I held her hand and rubbed circles on her palm with mine. I can't believe she was actually my girlfriend. I know that I am going to love her for the rest of my life.

She started stirring in her sleep and eventually woke from her peaceful slumber.

"Hey princess." I whispered

"Hey" she murmured looking up at me with her glistening eyes.

She went to get off the sofa but I gently pulled her back down by wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Peter I have to get up we need to find everyone and tell them about us." She giggled

"Ugh fine." I sighed in defeat.

I knew she was right I just wish she wasn't, I mean sure me and the team are all really close but their closer to Y/N especially Steve he will freak when he finds out.

"Jarvis can you tell the Avengers to come to the lounge area please." Y/N asked

"Right away miss Stark."

"Thank you Jarvis."

We sat on the couch waiting for the Avengers arrive and when they did they all gathered around us spread out across chairs and couches.

"So your probably wondering why I called you all here."

The words Yes and yep came from the avengers.

"Well... me and Peter are dating!" Y/N said grabbing my hand.

"Yes I knew it Sam, Clint you owe me £10." Natasha sung.

Y/N lifted her eyebrow at Natasha.

"Oh come on Y/N we all knew it would happen eventually and me,Sam and,Clint made a deal as you can see." Natasha replied

"Well are you all ok with it or?" Y/N asked

"I'm fine with it as long as you don't hurt her Parker." Steve said pointing to me.

"Of course not." I gulped.

Everybody else nodded their heads in agreement.

"So do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Nat asked

"Yes can we watch Beauty and the Beast please?" Wanda begged

"If we must." Tony replied

Everyone just laughed at how childish Wanda was.

As everyone shared the bowl of popcorn Steve had prepared, Y/N took a handful and threw it at Sams head causing him to turn around and start tickling her. The bowl was still in Y/N's hand therefore it went flying everywhere hitting several avengers in the head. Soon we had all teamed up on tickling Y/N.

"G-guys please s-stop I- can't breathe." Y/N let out through laughs.

"Why should we?" I asked

"Because you all love me and want me to live which is something I can't do if you are all tickling me." Y/N stated.

"Fine I can't argue with that."

We all left Y/N alone after that so she could breathe.

"Guys I'm gonna head to bed I'm really tired." Y/N said getting of the sofa.

"Ok goodnight sunshine." Tony said kissing her on the forehead.

"Night Y/N tell me if Peter steps out of line ok, I'll come knock some sense into him." Aunt May said smirking.

"I will." Y/n replied grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch.

"Night lovebirds"Nat yelled which was replied with a glare from Y/N.

Me and Y/N stepped into the elevator to her floor.

"I love you Peter."

"I love you too Y/N" I replied leaning in to give her a kiss.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out and went into Y/N's room.

"Stay here I'm just going to get changed ok?" Y/N said grabbing some Pj's and heading to the bathroom.

She came out and let her hair down swaying it back and forth. Damn she was beautiful.

"Do you wanna stay in here tonight?" Y/N asked a slight blush forming on her cheeks.

"Yes please." I replied crawling under her sheets.

She lifted her thumbs to my lips rubbing them softly, I pressed my forehead against hers and went to close the gap between our mouths with a kiss but she tore away with a grin on her face.

"Y/N why are you being a tease." I whined

"Because I enjoy watching you frown like a baby." She replied

"Please can I have a kiss?" I pleaded

"Fine just one because your so cute." She giggled quickly pecking me on the lips.

She turned back around allowing me to wrap my arms around her waist. Satisfied, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

The sun shone through the curtains waking me up from my sleep, I looked down to see the girl I loved so much snuggled against my chest.

"Morning beautiful." I said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Her lips formed into a smile signalling that she was awake.

"Morning baby." She replied in a raspy voice giving me a quick kiss on the lips before trying to get out of bed, however was stopped by me pulling her back down to the bed.

"Peter stop I need to get up I'm going back to school today!" She giggled

"Oh ye lets go!" I cheered out of realisation.

I knew it was going to be hard for her because of Charlie and Carla, and the fact that everyone now knew who she really was, a Stark.

"One kiss before I go?"

"Only for you Parker." Y/N teased before giving me a long, passionate kiss.

"Now go I need to get changed." She laughed

"Of course m'lady." I chuckled slowly closing the door behind me.

I went to my room and got changed, done my hair and my teeth before heading downstairs.

"Hey Cap."

"Morning Peter, coffee?"

"No thanks." I politely answered

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and began eating it.

"Morning Y/N, coffee?" Steve asked

"Yes please Cap, god knows what I'd do without coffee." Y/N said giving Steve a side hug.

She grabbed her coffee from Steve and then sat down next to me on a stool.

"Excited for your first day of school sunshine?" Tony asked making his way towards us.

"Yes I suppose, and dad you need a shower you stink, and don't forget you have a meeting at 12:20 with Fury and a another with the governing board about your 'accident' at 1:45." Y/N said kissing her dad on the cheek before dragging me out the door to walk to school.

"Thanks kiddo, I don't know what I'd do without you." Tony yelled as we walked to the elevator.

First day of school here we come.

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