Are you ok?

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Peter's POV

We walked through the school gates, I could tell how nervous Y/N was so I grabbed hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to reassure her. She gave me a quick smile before walking over to her locker.

I knew she was really nervous because everyone had found out she was a Stark. I walked back over to her and I could hear all the people whispering about her, it made me quite angry.

I began walking towards her and noticed she had a confused look on her face and she had a bit of paper in her hands. She looked my way and instantly put it in her pocket. Ned and MJ were walking next to me.

"Hey, you ok?" I ask concerned

"Huh, oh yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" She lied, I knew she was lying I could see right through her.

"Ok, you just seemed a bit off, that's all." I replied giving her a quick kiss on the lips before having to explain to Ned and MJ that we were dating.

"Finally, took you guys long enough!" Ned exclaimed

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"The sexual tension between you guys was unbearable!"

A blush slowly crept its way up my face.

"Parker I didn't know you was into the slag type!" I heard Carla yell

She did not just say that. I saw the look of frustration and hurt in Y/N's. Before I could say anything Y/N was already defending her self.

The next thing I know Y/N and Carla are throwing punches and kicks at each other.

Oh shit

If Tony found out I bet he would be furious.

Y/N was actually winning, her skills were quite good, but she is trained by Nat and Clint so I'm not surprised.

A wave of worry washed over me, as Y/N slowly starts losing, so I stand in front of Y/N just after she kicks Carla to the floor.

"Y/N stop, your gonna get yourself really hurt if you carry on."

"I can't Peter, I can't keep letting her think she can walk all over me." She said lightly pushing me out the way.

I give up knowing I won't be able to change her mind and watch from the sidelines, cringing every time Y/N was punched or kicked.

The fight finally ended, and I ran straight over to Y/N who was lent up against the lockers with a bloody nose, and her hands loosely on her ribs.

"Y/N, Y/N, hey can you hear me." I panicked

She replied with a groan.

I picked her up in my arms and her head nestled into my chest.

"Guys I'm going to take her to the hospital." I called to MJ and Ned and I walked down the hallway full of gasping students.

Once I got out of the school gates I sprinted in the direction of the hospital.

I walked through the big metal doors panting ever so slightly.

"Oh who have we got here, come with me I'll take you a hospital room." A nurse said gesturing to Y/N.

I followed closely behind until she reached a door pushing open wide enough for me to walk in and place Y/N gently on the hospital bed.

"Do you mind informing me what's happened?" The nurse asked politely.

"Uh she got into an intense fight, I think she might of broken her ribs." I stuttered.

They soon gave Y/N an x-ray, and I called Tony who arrived almost instantly.

I was sitting in the chair next to Y/N bed when a soft groan of pain left her lips, my eyes darted towards her.

"Hey sleeping beauty." I chuckled


"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine apart from a stinging pain in my side but I'll be fine."

"You scared me, you know." I said locking my eyes with hers

"Well that's because your a big softie, but really I'm fine." She giggled

God that laugh.

She leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss before pulling away again to lay back down on her,most likely uncomfortable bed.

Tony soon came bursting through the doors with a coffee in his right hand.

"Ah sunshine your awake, are you ok?" Tony began questioning

"Dad I'm fine, really, Jeez I'm starting to think you two care too much." Y/N joked.

"Kid you gotta stop doing stuff like this your gonna give me a heart attack." Tony sighed

"Oh shut it old man your just as bad."

"Ok, I can't argue with that." Tony sighed in defeat.

We managed to squeeze ourselves on the little hospital bed and we watched films for the rest of the night.

*The next morning*

I woke up and realised I was still was in Y/N's hospital bed and Tony wasn't there so I'm guessing he went to grab a coffee or something. I looked at the girl who lay in my arms. I tucked a bit of hair that was in her face behind her ear before gently placing a kiss on her temple.

A small smile crept its way onto her face signalling she was awake.

" Good morning gorgeous."

" Good morning." She mumbled sleepily.

" I'm gonna have to go soon so I can change before I go to school." I said.

" Can't I just go to school with you?"

"please?" She begged

"Y/N you know you can't come with me, you need to rest, doctors orders." I said seriously pointing a finger at her.

She sighed in annoyance and I let out a little chuckle.

"If I stay in these disgusting hospital clothes and this disgusting hospital any longer I think I might die."

"Don't you think your exaggerating a little bit Y/N?" I said laughing a little.

"Nope not in the slightest." she said crossing her arms over her chest like a child.

I went over to her and rubbed her arm gently before pulling her to in a hug. We stood like that for a few seconds before pulling away, and then sharing a kiss, before pulling away again.

" Now I have to go because I have a school to get too." I said walking backwards towards the door.

She pouted her lips making me giggle.

"I'll see you after school!" I shout before walking out of the hospital room.

Hey guys so I know this wasn't a great chapter, but it was just a filler chapter, the next chapter will have some action I promise!

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