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Me, Nat and Pepper we're in the living room watching movies.

"Hey Y/N go get some more snacks, we're running out!" Nat said whilst her eyes were glued to the screen.

I let out a groan and grabbed the bowl heading to the kitchen.

"Come on Peter you need to tell her your leaving!" I heard my dad yell.

Peter was leaving no this has to be a joke he must of heard me coming and made a joke.

"Y-your leaving?" I  asked

"Y-your l-leaving Peter please tell me t-this is-a j-joke I can't live without you, you promised me not even 10 hours ago that your not going anywhere and now your leaving just like everybody does!" I cried

"Y/N, you wasn't suppose to find out like this." Peter sighed.

He was leaving. My best friend was actually leaving me.

"Was I ever suppose to find out? Were you ever gonna tell me? Or were you gonna do a Charlie love me one day and drop me the next?" I cried

Saying those words hurt me so much knowing I was saying them to the one person I love more than anything.I could barely breath.

"Of course I was gonna tell you but not like this, Y/N please don't get upset it already hurts enough"He cried

"If it really hurt, if you really cared Peter you wouldn't leave me!" I sobbed not being able to hold my emotions.

"Please,Y/N don't do this I can't lose you." He said as he choked on his own tears

"Did you even like me in the first place or did you just pretend to like me because you had to live with me." I cried

"Of course I like you, I love you so much Y/N your my little sister, my best friend please don't abandon our friendship like this." He cried

I couldn't control myself any more and I just let my thoughts slip of the edge of my tongue.

"I'm not the one that made that choice, you did after you decided you were gonna leave me, this was your choice not mine, you made this choice on your own!" I cried

I couldn't stay to see his reaction so I stomped up stairs straight into my room and slid down it holding my head in my hands. My heart was broken, shattered into pieces. My heart throbbed in pain and pure heartbreak. I was drowning in my own tears but I didn't care,not anymore I was slowly drowning but I knew Peter wouldn't be there to pull up from the surface out of my waves of misery.

My suffering turned from a few hours to a few days of sleepless nights and miserable days.  The avengers always came up to check on me but I didn't have the energy to speak. I could tell my dad was staring to worry about me.

"Hey Y/N I know you probably don't want to see me right now but I'm leaving in two days and I want to spend them with you, I'm really sorry that I can't tell you why or where I'm going it really sucks, I love you princess." Peter said through the door.

Princess it was his nickname for me from when we were kids his was monkey boy as he always climbed trees. I loved having a nickname it made me feel special. Without hesitation I ran out my door and chased Peter down the hallway and pulled him into a deep hug.

" I love you too monkey boy." I whispered into his ear.

We walked down the stairs and into the living room to find down of the avengers playing with cap's shield.
Bucky was standing in the table with a can of silly string on each hand, Thor was in the floor being tickled by Nat and Cap was laying on the sofa with his shield in his hands.

" I thought we were the kids"I said looking at everyone.

Me and Peter gave each other a quick look and nod.

"Tickle and silly string fight!" I yelled

We had spent the last few hours playing with each other and wrecking the avengers tower with silly string, dad was not gonna be happy. I loved this moment I was so happy until I realised happy endings always come to end, Peter was leaving tomorrow and I might never see him again.

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