Back to school

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Peters POV

It had been a month and a bit since Y/N went into the ice. It's been really hard on every one, the tower just wasn't the same without her. Nobody was depressed, not really, we just missed her bubbly personality. She was the light in the everyone's lives and they are just a little dark without her being here.

I was finally going back to school today, I was already dressed and everything was ready I just had to get out of the door. I wasn't scared, I was more nervous, everyone had found out about Y/N's identity by now and know what happened to her, there will be so many questions asked and I'm not sure if I can answer them.

My thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door.


"Hey aunt May, how are you?" I asked turning to look at her.

"I'm alright, but I feel I should be asking you that, are you sure you'll be okay today?" She asked coming over and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm ready, I need to stop being a wimp, the sooner it's done the better and I'm pretty sure if Y/N was here right now that my ass would of been kicked into school whether I liked it or not." I joked trying to ease the tension.

"You got that right, kid, I miss her too you know, I've watched her grow up into the amazing young woman she has become today, it's sad really, she matured to early, she's only 16 and she's been through so much." May sighed.

"Yeah it's a shame." I said

"Well I have to go now, bye May, love you." I said racing out the door.

"Bye kid."

I walked through the tower before eventually getting the glass doors. I opened them and walked out, the fresh summer breeze of New York hitting me. It was nice to be out again, being a normal 16 year old.

I walked to the black car that was waiting out front for me and hopped in.

"Hey Happy." I said putting on my seatbelt.

"Hey." Was all he said before looking back on the road and driving off.

We finally arrived at the school car park and my heart was pounding, you could probably feel the nervousness coming off of me.

"Uh well see you later Happy."

"Yeah whatever." He grumbled

I got out of the car and took a deep breath, I can do this. I began walking through the halls and I could already feel everyone's eyes on me and it was driving me crazy. I arrived at my locker and Ned and MJ were standing their with wide smiles plastered on their face.

"Hey guys." I mumbled opening my locker.

I was excited to see them again, don't get me wrong, but the whole situation had just put me in a mood I guess, I could already feel everyone's stares and I could here them whispering things like 'his girlfriend is a villain' 'Y/N Stark is a murderer.' 'Peter Parker is only dating Y/N because she's a Stark.' 'She deserves to be put in the ice, she shouldn't be aloud out, she's a danger to humanity.'
It was driving me insane.

They talk about her yet they don't know the whole situation they only know what they saw on the news which was all fake anyway. The news reporters described Y/N as dangerous, a threat to humanity, they were all wrong.

"I've missed you Peter, it's been a while man." Ned said bringing me into a bro hug.

"I guess I missed you too loser." MJ states taking her head out of her book for a second.

"I missed you guys too." I smiled

The bell rang signalling we had first period. I walked to class, my thumbs underneath my backpack straps. I had my head hanging low hoping no one would disturb me. I reached the classroom door and took a deep breath before walking in. All eyes were instantly on me. I ignored everyone's gazing eyes and went and sat down at the back of the classroom. Everyone began whispering but I just tuned them out.

"Ok class that's enough whispering, welcome back Mr.Parker." The teacher said walking to his desk.

I just grumbled and waited for the lesson to end.

I tuned out the teachers on every lesson not caring about getting detention, I just couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. I knew that she wasn't dead and she certainly wouldn't be in the ice forever but I just missed her presence and missed her asking me for help in math all the time. Just the simple things.


The classes went by slowly and it was now lunch. I sat at my usual lunch table with Ned and MJ. I was having a conversation about Star Wars with Ned and MJ had her nose stuck in a book. I was trying to distract myself from thinking off Y/N so I always made sure I was occupied so my mind wouldn't travel. It was difficult, but I managed.

Lunch went by in a blur and I was now heading to Chemistry class. I walked in, keeping my head down and sat down at my assigned seat.

"Hey Parker, where's you're arm candy? Oh that's right, she's been locked up." Flash grinned giving one of his friends a high five.

"I'm not in the mood Flash, don't talk about her like that, it's not her fault." I groaned still keeping my head down.

Flash slammed his fist on the table making me look straight up, meeting his gaze.

"You back chatting me, Parker?, you haven't got your girlfriend here to come and defend you this time." Flash tormented.

I clenched my fist trying not to punch him in the face.

"I don't need her to defend me and stop bringing her into this or you'll regret it." I said through gritted teeth.

"That a threat?" Flash asked.

"Only if you make it one." I responded lazily rolling my eyes.

Flash didn't reply instead he punched me across the jaw. I clenched my fists tighter and copied his actions but punching him in the nose instead. I pulled my fist back and Flash grabbed his nose to stop the blood from going any further down his face.

"What the hell man?!" Flash groaned.

I picked up my stuff and stormed out of the classroom ignoring the shouts coming from my teacher.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

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