Family is all you need

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I luckily had the same class as Peter after lunch, I don't think I could handle being in a class with Charlie and Carla on my own. Just saying their names created a sick feeling in my stomach. Why would Charlie do that to me, especially with someone like Carla? We walked towards the door of our class and of course everyone was whispering about me.

"Oh look the slut's arrived, she moved on pretty fast." Carla scoffed.

I didn't understand what she meant when she said I moved on until I looked down at my hand that was still intertwined with Peter's. I quickly let go and put my hand in my pocket.

"Peter, I-I can't be here right now I need to be anywhere but here right now." I said whilst heavily breathing.

"Ok we can go home or to the park, wherever you wanna go and I'll be right there with you." he whispered.

I took Peter's hand again and dragged him out of the school building, I had no idea were I was going but I just kept running as Peter tagged along and I stopped when I reached a familiar area. We were outside Delmar's. I looked at Peter and he looked kinda out of breath.

" Jeez you can run fast Y/N!" He panted.

" Sorry, I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible." I sighed.

" Hey it's ok I don't mind as long as your ok." He gazed at me with his brown eyes and I couldn't help but giggle a little at the goofy smile on his face.

"Wanna grab a sandwich?" I asked pointing towards Delmar's.

" I thought you'd never ask!" Peter said running into the shop.

I laughed to myself then headed in and stood beside Peter at the counter.

"Hey my two favourite customer, Wait shouldn't you kids be at school?" Mr. Delmar asked slightly concerned.

"ye we should but something happened and I couldn't handle it so we ditched." I said kinda embarrassed.

"Ok I understand, so the usual?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Obviously!" me and Peter said.

We went and sat at a table nearby and plonked down on the seats. I kept thinking about the incident with Charlie and I just couldn't understand why. It felt like my heart had sunk, the anchor couldn't hold it anymore and just snapped. I loved Charlie I really did I thought he was different from the rest of the boys but I was wrong and Peter was right, he was always right, I should of just listened to him in the first place.

"Y/N, Peter? what are you doing here your supposed to at school." Me and Peter shared a look and then turned around to see Happy standing in front of us. How was we going to explain to him why we were at Delmar's and not at school?

" H-heyyy Happy."I said nervously.

"Don't hey Happy me your supposed to be at school not at Delmar's, your father is not gonna be happy about this." Happy yelled.

"Wait Happy please don't I'll tell him myself but something happened at school and I couldn't handle all the attention and whispering." I cried.

" Ok, ok I won't tell your father but I'm taking you home right now and you can both tell him why you ditched school, got it kid?" Happy asked

" Yes Happy." I sighed rolling me eyes.

Peter looked at me with a worried expression on his face and I knew why, My dad is going to kill us when he finds out we skipped school. Me and Peter grabbed our sandwiches and got in the back of Happy's car. My leg bounced up and won as we got closer and closer to the Avenger's tower, my dad is going to go nuts! We reached the tower and I was hesitant to open the door but I knew there was no way out of this. I had also realised that I had to tell my dad that Charlie had cheated on me, this is not gonna go well.

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