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Peter's POV

I was getting ready for Tony's party and helping set it up whilst Y/N went shopping with Nat and Wanda. Me and Steve were attempting to put up some fairy lights but so far we were failing terribly. Eventually the fairy lights were put up and food and drinks were laid out on the bar.

Y/N and the girls came back about 2 hours ago and went to go get ready, how long does it take to get ready for a party?

People began flooding in and music was blaring loudly from the speakers. There was no sign of Y/N yet, I was about to go look for her when she came waltzing in through the doors. She looked absolutely breathtaking. The dress she wore hugged her curves nicely and her makeup wasn't to much nor to little.

"Hey Parker."

"Hey gorgeous, you look amazing." I said with a light blush crawling up my cheeks.

"Not too bad yourself." She smirked leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

We pulled away to see Clint staring at us with a grin on his face and he started wolf whistling.

"Shut it Barton." Y/N giggled.

We danced for a while and then went and sat with some of the other Avengers. We were having a nice conversation until we heard an explosion echo throughout the room.

We turned around and saw people flooding out the room screaming, one of Tony's windows had been shattered. Before we could react another bomb came flying towards us. It luckily missed us but the impact sent us flying in opposite directions. Once I was sure it was clear I rushed over to Y/N and helped her up.

"Are you ok?" I questioned concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, everyone ok?" Y/n asked.

Everybody slowly got up and gathered their weapons.

"Your heads bleeding." I said staring straight at Y/N's head.

"Son of a bitch." She replied, feeling her head.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve shouted from another room.

Y/N just groaned and followed the Avengers out of the building and towards the commotion.

HYDRA agents were scattered everywhere slowly approaching us. We all got in our fighting stances.We began running towards them attacking them one by one, I noticed that everybody mainly had their eyes on Y/N who was taking down a few soldiers down in a matter of seconds. We had knocked them all down, or so we thought as one was approaching behind Y/N.

"I hate fighting in heels." She said throwing a tantrum.

I giggled at her childishness and watched her do all sorts of things to the HYDRA agent before she came back over having completely knocked the guy out cold. We all stared at her astonished with her achievement.

She gave us all a questioning look and asked us what we staring at.

"You just took down like 20 HYDRA agents on your own!"

"Only 20?, it felt like more than that." She replied casually.

A man started walking towards us, he gave me a bad vibe. I protectively wrapped my hands around Y/N's waist.

"What do you want Strucker? I was enjoying my party before you and your little hooligans showed up." Tony replied clearly agitated.

" I won't be long, just long enough to take her." Strucker grinned pointing directly at Y/N.

My heart started beating faster.

" No, nope not happening buddy, so you can take your team and head off back to your evil little lair." Tony said turning around.

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