Three words

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(Ok so the first bit of this chapter is gonna carry on from Y/N's POV.)


I kissed him.

Everything came back in pieces. All the times we spent cuddled up on the sofa watching movies, the times spent in my room studying and having popcorn fights, the days we spent in my treehouse when we were young, every feeling, every emotion, every argument.

I remember.

Peter's POV



Without hesitation I pulled her into a hug which she returned.

"Is everyone ok?"

"Everyone's fine Y/N, this wasn't your fault."

I really didn't want her blaming herself for this.

"That's where your wrong, it was all my fault, I wasn't strong enough and I destroyed everything."

"P-peter I don't want to hurt people, but I can't control myself." She cried.

I wrapped her into another hug and I gently stroked her hair. The smell of her vanilla perfume filling my nose.

"What did it feel like, being under their control?" I asked slightly pulling away.

"I felt trapped, like I wasn't in my own body. It was like I was looking through someone else's eyes, I tried to s-scream for them to stop, I tried t-to fight it, I tried really hard, I-I am so s-sorry Peter, I tried, I really did."

"Hey, hey look at me." I said in a soft tone, cupping her face in my hands.

"You tried your best, that's all that matters to me, I dont care that the lab was destroyed,I don't care that you couldn't control yourself,you tried your best, that's all I'm asking for." I felt a few tears fall down my cheek.

I just wanted this to be over, I miss my Y/N so much.

I gazed into her eyes. I was shocked when I felt her lips locked with mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. I had waited for this moment for so long. I felt the same butterflies I felt when we had our first kiss.

She pulled back in shock.

"Oh my god, I-I, Peter I remember, I remember everything." She cried

"Everything, you remember everything?" I asked

"Yes everything you dork!"

"I love you Peter Parker."

"I love you too."

I wrapped my arms around her bringing her into a hug, her head resting upon my chest.

"I've waited so long for this." I mumbled

She giggled in return making my heart flutter. She was finally back, my Y/N.

Tony came and ran some tests on Y/N to check her vitals. She was hesitant to see the rest of the Avengers after practically throwing them across a room.

I grabbed her hand and we walked to the living area where the avengers were sitting. I could see how nervous she was so I squeezed her hand reassuringly.

We walked in and everyone's eyes were on us.
I looked at Y/N realising she was physically shaking and had silent tears streaming down her face, I think everyone else realised too because they gave her their best smiles trying to hide the sad truth.

"Hey, we missed you." Nat was the first to speak.

Y/N completely broke down, she fell to her knees and sobbed. I held her carefully. Everyone came and rushed over comforting her.

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