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The last thing I remember was getting hit with something on the head, hard.

I sat up in my so called 'bed' and looked at my surroundings. The walls were a light grey and some of the paint was peeling. There were no windows and no source of light. The air was damp and smelt like mould. The only sound I could hear was the dripping of water from the pipes above me. I got up and stretched, my legs ached after being still for so long.

"Ah, I see your awake, how do you like your room?" Strucker asked.

"Oh I love it, 5 star ratings." I sarcastically replied.

"There's your sarcasm, I was wondering when I would get a sarcastic comment from you."

"Well, there you are, you don't have to wonder anymore." I rolled my eyes.

I hate this dude already I've only been in a room with him for 5 minutes.

Strucker called some guards in and they grabbed hold of my arms and pushed me out of the room and guided me to another room. The room was a training room I'm guessing as it consisted of punching bags,a wrestling ring in the centre and various other training equipment.

"You like it?" Strucker smirked

"My one at home is better but it's not to shabby." I said

"Don't be ungrateful, we don't let many beginners in here but we know you trained at the Avenger tower so we wanted to see how good you are."

" So you want me to show you that I can kick ass, didn't I prove that to you when I took down half your team back at the tower?" I smirked.

I was met with a slap around the face. My face stung as I rested my hand on the area that was hit.

"That's what happen when you are rude and ungrateful, now get to work." Strucker ordered pointing towards the punching bag.

I decided not to disobey and walked over to the punching bag. I wrapped my hands and put on the gloves and began punching.




Rage consumed me as Strucker shouted orders at me causing me to do exactly what he said, punching harder,faster and stronger.

"Ok that's enough for today, take her to the memory wipe machine."

"What!? No please!, Why are you doing this?, You're a monster!" I shouted as I was dragged to a room. My body filled with rage and my powers began going crazy. This only made the grip on my arms tighter.

The room was exactly like mine minus the bed, instead there was a chair and a big machine. They shoved me into the uncomfortable chair and strapped me down with harnesses. A doctor started plugging all sorts of things into me. I tried wriggling out but the straps were too strong.

The machine roared to life. My heart began beating fast. My breathing was unstable.

A wave of pain went through my body. It was like a shock. I screamed out in agony. The pain was getting more intense. I screamed and screamed as the pain rushed through my body. Hot tears streamed down my face, I felt numb.

Strucker put his hand up signalling the doctor to stop. He did as he was told and a sense of relief washed over me. I felt nauseous and dizzy. My eye lids grew heavy, I let them close.

* A few hours later*

I woke up, my head was throbbing. Something felt different, like something was missing. My memories and thoughts were all scrambled. One name drew me in though, Peter Parker. It was constantly ringing in my head, it made me feel warm, loved it was a weird feeling and I couldn't place my finger on it.

I sat on the edge of my bed trying to figure out what was happening but I couldn't think straight.

Strucker burst into the room holding a book and started shouting words.

"Nenavist....., Pozhar...., Begat...., Vremya...., Dusha...."

"Hatred, Fire, Run, Time, soul."

With every word he said my head hurt more and more and I could feel the emotion being pulled from me until I could feel.... nothing.



"Gotov Soblyudat"

"Ready to comply."

"Your first mission is to kill Jeremy Davies, leave no witnesses alive and no traces of evidence, do you understand?" Strucker asked.

"Yes, sir." I replied putting a hand above my head, saluting.

"Good, now go get prepared, you leave in an hour, the helicopter is waiting outside."

I did as I was told and went to the weapon room and gathered a hand gun and some bullets. I put on my uniform and a bullet proof vest. I finished tying my hair. I made my way to the helipad and was met with Strucker who was accompanied by his bodyguards.

"Ready for your first mission, and do you understand your task?"

"Yes sir."

"Good you have an hour and a half to complete your mission. Understood?"

"Yes sir." I replied with a blank expression spread across my face.

I boarded the helicopter and sat silent on one of the benches. A few members from the team were also on the helicopter I'm guessing it was in case something went wrong. The journey wasn't too long. When we arrived I jumped out of the helicopter and landed softly on my feet. I briskly walked to the closest entrance to this mans mansion. It was huge. I managed to find an entrance round the back that was unguarded.

I crept my way into the mans bedroom making sure to be silent. I twisted the door knob and quietly pushed the door open. Jeremy was fast asleep tangled in his silky sheets. I loaded my gun and shot him straight in the head. His once heavy breathing was now no longer audible. He was dead. I turned around to exit but a small boy stood in the doorway with tears in his eyes. I raised my gun to shoot him but I couldn't do it, it was like a part of me was stopping me from doing it but the other part me couldn't care less and that part over powered me. With one click the boy once full of life now lay on the floor lifeless. I stared at the boy a minute before exiting and calling for the team to pick me up.

I got in the helicopter and sat in silence as it flew back to the base.

Once I arrived back to the base Strucker congratulated me on my mission and sent me to my room to rest for the rest of the day. I requested for a punching bag to be placed in my room, and to my surprise there was one. It was placed in the corner. I wrapped my hands and began punching. I let out all my frustration and anger. I was experiencing so many feelings, I was confused about the names floating around in my head. The worst part of being a soldier is that I felt no remorse towards killing that man or the little boy for that matter. But why?

I stopped punching and when I wiped my face I realised I had been crying. I was pulled out of my room to go to the memory wipe machine again.

"No, please, don't send me back there Please!" I cried.

My demands were ignored and I was yet again strapped to the chair. The pain started to kick in and I screamed in pain. It was excruciating.

How long would I live like this? Was there someone on the outside world waiting for me?

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