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Peter's POV

I haven't slept for days now. I was making sure Tony was getting enough rest and made sure he was looking after himself. I was so exhausted, the whole team was but I wan't going to sleep until we had some sort of plan to get Y/N back, then and only then will I rest peacefully.

We had managed to get it down to two Hydra bases but know we need a plan. Do we take down both at the same time or do we do one at a time and risk them moving Y/N to a different base?

I was currently in the lab with Nat, Steve, Sam, Bucky and Wanda.

"So what do we do?"

"I say we take down them both down at the same time, that way they won't have enough time to transport Y/N to another base." Steve said rising from his seat.

"But what if we can't take them down, I mean we'll have to split the team and we're stronger when we're together, we can't risk anyone else getting taken."

"He's right Steve, we can't let this happen again." Nat added.

"We can balance the teams, me, Bucky, Thor and Bruce are the strongest physically, our best fighters are Nat, Clint, Rhodey and Tony and our best distractions are Sam, Peter, Wanda, Vision and Loki, they all have powers or something that gain us control that's why they are our distractions." Steve explained.

"Shall I tell JARVIS to get the others?" I asked.

"No need Mr Parker I am already on it, I shall inform the others and tell them to come immediately." Jarvis spoke.

"Thanks Jarvis."

We waited a few minutes before the others started piling into the room.

"Hello everyone, so we have an idea."

"Spit it out then capsicale."

" If we take down both bases at the same time we, there shouldn't be a risk of losing Y/N and we can balance the teams so they are equal in strength and power. We just need a plan of attack."

"For once I agree with your thinking." Tony said.

We began discussing the plan and teams. I was on a team with Tony, Bucky, Steve,Nat, Rhodey, and Wanda. And the others were on the other team. My team were going to go to the base in the south and the others were going the base not to far from ours. It was bizarre that the bases were so close to each other seems that the other bases were in different countries. Our main goal was to find Y/N and dispose of everything in our path. We were leaving tomorrow so for the rest of the day everyone was training and sleeping to try and get it all in before the long day ahead of us tomorrow.

I was in Y/N's room sitting on her bed. Tony soon walked in taking me by surprise.

"Hey kid."

"Hey Tony, do you think it will work?"

"Our plan?, yeah I think it will work, you just gotta believe it first." Tony said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I- I do I just don't want anything to go wrong, I just want her back so bad, if anything goes wrong I'll be so disappointed in myself."

"Kid, I miss her too, so much, its so quite here without her, I know you, I made you an avenger for a reason, your strong and determined, you won't give up especially when it's Y/N."

"Yeah you right, I'm just nervous I guess."

"We have to be prepared for anything, the have most likely erased her memory so if she puts up a fight you need to remind her who she is, in the most important place, in here." He says pointing a finger at my heart.

Without another word he leaves and the door shuts softly. I laid still on Y/N's bed, I slowly close my eyes and drift into an uneasy sleep.

*The next day*

I woke up rather early. Today was the day we were bringing Y/N home. I rushed downstairs making myself some breakfast and going upstairs and changing into my suit. Once I was done I met everyone in the living area, everyone had their suits on and had their weapons prepared.

"You ready kid?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Ok let's go."

We all turned to the elevator and made our way downstairs. We walked towards the jets and went our separate ways. Steve was driving. The flight was about an hour long. I sat in silence the whole way there, not really knowing what to talk about.

" We're here"

Everyone started gathering weapons and started boarding off the plane.

"Everyone understand the plan?"

Everyone nodded.

"Avengers, Assemble!"

We began sprinting towards the entrance and only slowing down when Steve signalled someone was coming. A guard came around the corner but Steve punched him in the face knocking him out instantly. We managed to get through the doors without getting caught.

"Ah, the Avengers, I wandered how long it would take for you to arrive."

"Strucker." I said through gritted teeth.

"In the flesh, bug boy." He smirked.

" I see you bought an old friend of ours along, The Winter Soldier."

" I am no friend of yours." Bucky screamed charging towards Strucker.

He put him in a head lock and threw him to the ground. Strucker groaned in pain.

Bucky punched him repeatedly in the face making Strucker's nose bleed.

"You can beat me, kill me, kill my men, but she will always be apart of Hydra, she doesn't remember any of you so you should just give it up, you've already lost." He laughed.

"You monster, she is only a teenager, and you put her through the most traumatising thing ever humanly possible."

"You should of seen her face, it was full of pain, she screamed for it to stop, but I only turned it up more, she went higher than you Soldier."

Bucky punched him even more and threw him against anything he could find, and finally he shot him, right through the head.

"We should split up, we need to cover each wing kill all the agents, Tony, Peter you find Y/N." Steve ordered running the opposite direction with Bucky. Nat, Wanda and Rhodey ran the other way.

Me and Tony searched all the hallways and rooms. Some of the things we found I don't want to imagine how painful they are. We were jogging through the hallways when I heard small whimpers coming from inside of one of the rooms.

"Hey, Tony listen." I said ushering him towards the door.

He slowly twisted the handle and opened the door. The smell of mould hit your nose instantly when you walked into the room.

The cries got louder as we walked further into the dimly lit room. A girl was curled up on the floor with her head in her hands. She must of heard us because she lifted her head up ever so slightly. I instantly recognised her features, a tear escaped my eyes.


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