Press conference

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Tony's POV- (-oop this is new lol)

It has been exactly 3 months and 12 days since we left Y/N in Wakanda, it was a struggle at first everyone was on edge, Peter was always getting in trouble or was always in fights at school but things gradually went back to normal. I'm not saying we don't miss her, I'm just saying things got easier.

I was sat on the sofa with Nat and Steve everyone else was either training or asleep. We were watching TV, we had no missions so we thought we should make the most of it. I had been tinkering around trying to keep myself occupied. Steve was the first notice how distant I was being and the rest of the team slowly caught on. They would lock me out of my lab if I had been in there for more than 5 hours, they would spend all their free time with me, trying to cheer me up and it usually worked, I was very grateful.

I was currently in the kitchen eating leftover pizza, Natasha and Steve were training, Clint was at home and I had no idea where everyone else was.

"Hey Tony, did you get my e-mail about the press conference?" May said walking into the room.

"Press conference, What press conference?" I asked a confused look on my face.

"The one about Y/N, you haven't explained the situation properly, the news channels are giving out fake news about it." She said coming next to me.

"Nope, I'm not doing it, cancel it." I said grabbing another slice of pizza.

I don't think I can stand in a room full of greedy reporters and share my daughters story.

"God Tony, you've been declining it for weeks now, just because it's related to Y/N doesn't mean you should push it aside, you need to tell them what happened or when she comes back, she won't be welcomed back nicely, your going whether you like it or not." May argued.

"Fine, I wonder why I tolerate you sometimes." I mumbled.

I knew she was right, she's always right, that's why we are a great team, I make the mistakes, she corrects them. It should be the other way around really, I'm the older one.

"Thank you, I'm not doing this because I hate you, you know, I'm doing it because I care, your like my big brother Tony, I don't want you drowning in misery." She said before walking away.

"I know" I whispered to myself.

I pulled myself up from my chair and made my way to the lab, I needed a distraction.


It had been a few hours, I had been in my lab playing around with my suits. The press conference was in an hour and it was a 45 minute drive. I got up after finishing things on my suit and went upstairs to have a quick shower. After my shower, I got changed into a grey suit with a white shirt and a blue tie, Y/N's favourite tie. I put on my sunglasses and headed out to Happy's car outside where May and Pepper were waiting.

"Finally Tony, What takes you so long?" Pepper huffed.

" I don't know, stuff." I replied getting in the back of the car.

The drive was silent, apart from the radio playing AC/DC songs.

The car pulled to a stop and we all climbed out and made our way to the entrance. Loads of paparazzi were outside, taking pictures and yelling questions trying to get my attention. I didn't pay attention to any of the questions and just carried on walking inside. Once I had reached the room, I immediately went on stage. There was a moment of applause before everyone settled down and took a seat. I stood in front of the podium, my nerves slowly overcoming me.

"So, you have heard the rumours about my daughter, some are true and some, not so much. Yes she was captured by HYDRA and they tortured her, manipulated her, wiped her memory and most importantly used her, used her to fight their battles, the battles they are to scared to fight themselves. During her time in HYDRA she did kill people, but I can assure you she had no intention on doing it, she was under control, she couldn't possibly of fought against them. And yes she is currently in a cyrostasis chamber, being well looked after and being helped with her past. Ok anyone got questions?" I asked.

The room instantly came to life, reporters shouting, flashing cameras.

Some one had their hand stuck up in the air.

"You" I said pointing to the reporter.

"Do you still love her the same as before or has your love for her changed after you found out what she did?"

"My love for my daughter will never change, like I said before it wasn't her fault." I replied feeling a little frustrated.


"How long will she be gone?"

"I'm not sure yet, whenever I get a call saying she can wake up." I replied.

I kept answering asking questions, it was getting boring.

"Do you think your daughter is a monster? because that is what the people of New York call her."

I felt the bubble of anger in my veins, my daughter was far from a monster.

" I don't think my daughter is a monster nor should you, yes she has made mistakes, they weren't her own, but the point is haven't we all made mistakes? If you say you haven't, your lying to yourself, everyone makes mistakes, that will be all now, thank you." I reply walking off stage.

"You did great Tony, it must of been difficult, but it had to be done, I'm proud of you." May says bringing me into a quick hug.

"Yeah" was all I could say.

Once we arrived back home I went straight to the lab needing a distraction again. The press conference had really made me angry, why couldn't people see she wasn't a monster?" She's 16 for gods sake.


It was around 10:30pm everyone else was asleep, I was still in my lab not doing anything in particular. Just thinking, that was until I was distracted by a crash on the other side of the lab. It was Dummy.

"Damn it Dummy, if Y/N wasn't the one who built you,you would have been deconstructed by now" I mumbled to the robot.

Y/N had built Dummy the first time she came to my lab when she was 5, I remember the smile on her face when she had finished him. I was so proud.

Please come home son Y/N, I miss you.

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