Family reunion gone wrong

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Hi guys, so I know I haven't updated in ages I had a writers block situation but I'm back and go check out my friends account Smosh4ever123. ENJOY!


It's been exactly 5 months and 16 days since Peter left. I've been keeping count since I have nothing better to do. My head was pounding and my eyes were heavy. I hadn't slept since Peter left. If I did i would have dreams about all the things me and Peter did together and I'd didn't want to remember them.

"Hey sunshine." My dad said opening the door.

My dad had been very supportive of me since Peter left, he always checked up on me and would sit and cradle me when I cried. I had cried an endless cycle of tears over the past 5 months and my eyes were now bone dry there were no more tears to cry.

"Hey dad." I said gazing out of the window.

"I bought some toast." He said coming to sit next me.

"Thanks dad but I'm not hungry." I said looking at his disappointed face.

"No, don't give me that Y/N, you are hungry, you haven't eaten for 3 weeks." My dad shouted now looking angry.

I was terrified, my dad never shouts at me like that unless I had really upset him. My heart ached, even more than it did already, but it aches because I had just made my dad upset and disappointed with me.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to shout, I-I just,your ruining yourself
Y/N, I mean look at you, your all bone now, and your eyes are blood shot, you have heavy black bags under your eyes, your slowly killing yourself Y/N and I hate it, I love you so much Y/N and I will do anything for you but I don't know if I can stick around to watch you purposely kill yourself for much longer. It's killing me Y/N, I-I don't know what t-to do." My dad sobbed.

I looked at the man in front of me, Tony Stark, the most intelligent, sarcastic, stubborn, self centred billionaire on the planet, but what people didn't know is that, that was just his cover,inside he was soft, gentle, caring and a little broken, father and husband who would die so that his family could live another day, and I just ruined him, I was the last thing to send him off in a spiral of emotions.

"Dad I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried as I engulfed my father in a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"I just want my little sunshine back." My dad cried

"It will take some time but you'll get her back." I said loosening my grip

"Promise?" My dad asked

"I promise" I whispered.

Whilst living in total grief I had started to make a suit, it was mostly made of scrap fabrics lying around, I had inserted an A.I., body warmer, and a few other bits and bobs. The thing I was working on right now was the laser beams. I had to connect the laser bank to the circuit router and then to the power circuit and ignition and then finally put that all inside my suit.

My suit was finally finished! I squealed in excitement until I was disturbed by a knock at the door. I shoved my suit back into the wardrobe and opened the door.

"Hey, Sunshine I have a surprise for you." Dad said

"Oh?" I questioned

"Surprise!" Steve and Nat jumped out from behind the wall.

Steve and Nat were my favourite avengers they were always there for me and we had gotten very close.

"Steve,Nat!" I screamed pulling them into a hug.

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