I love you

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Peters POV

I woke up early today, I couldn't sleep because it was the last time I was going to see Y/N. I would miss her so much, her laugh, her hair, her smile, the way she talks, her face and even her cries, I just can't believe I'm leaving her behind.

I woke up in the worst mood and went to take a shower to relax a little. After my shower I got changed into some jeans and a T-shirt. I walked downstairs and made Y/N breakfast, it was gonna be last time I made her breakfast for a long time so I made the most of it. Just as I had finished I heard someone walk down the stairs.

"Hey kiddo." Tony said

"Hey, Tony." I said glumly

"What's with the long face?" He asked

"I just... don't want to go." I sighed

"I know kiddo, but you made the right choice." Tony sighed

And I knew he was right. I was leaving to protect Y/N not hurt her. If I didn't leave , HYDRA would of killed us both. I know that she would suffer for a while but it's better than her being dead. Someone started coming down the stairs and I instantly turned around to see Y/N walking down the stairs wearing shorts, my favourite top and a tear stained face, I couldn't help but frown.

"Hey" she sniffed

"Hey I made you breakfast." I replied trying to stop myself from crying.

"Thanks Peter." She awkwardly smiled.

We sat and ate breakfast all 5 of us, me,Y/N, Tony, Pepper and aunt May. It was nice and we all made the most of it because it was gonna be our last family breakfast and it was nice but none of us wanted it to end.

We all worked together to clean up after breakfast.

"Hey, Peter can you come with me for a minute please?" Y/N asked putting down the tea towel.

"Sure." I said putting mine down too.

I followed her upstairs and into her bedroom, I sat on her bed whilst she went to her closet and pulled out a bag.

"I bought this for you." She said handing me the bag.

I opened it and inside was a t-shirt with a science pun on it, a hoodie and my favourite cologne. At the very bottom was a picture book. I looked over to
Y/N who was standing there with tears running down her cheeks.

" I just don't want you to forget me." She cried.

I walked over to her and cupped her head with my hand and gently brushed away the tears with my thumb.

"I could never forget you Y/N, never in a million years." I whispered

She pulled me into a tight hug as if she wasn't ready to let go and I slowly relaxed into it wanting this moment to last forever, like a photograph.

I slowly pulled away realising that we had to leave for the airport soon. Y/N looked at me tears filling her eyes but she didn't let them fall and she walked out of the room. I quickly followed as we were called to the front room. Everyone was sitting on the sofa with mine and aunt Mays suitcases and bags.

Y/N suddenly burst into tears and cuddled her knees on the sofa. I went and sat next to her pulling her into what felt like the millionth hug today. I was such a bad best friend for doing this to her, it was so painful watching her get so upset because of me but I couldn't help it. I silently cried into her shoulder as she did the same into mine. All the adults slowly joined us creating a big ball of hugs, I never wanted to let go of this, they had been my family for so long and know I'm leaving them all behind.

"We have to go kiddo." Tony said to me as all the adults pulled away from the hug.

"Ok" I sighed.

I went to get up but was pulled back down again by Y/N. I looked into her eyes and all I could see was pain and sadness. Tony walked over to her and but an arm in her shoulder.

"Come on sunshine you have to let him go." He gently spoke

"But I don't want to." Y/N cried

"Because if I do I'm scared that I'll be forgotten and I'll forget everything and I don't want to forget." She sobbed

"Sunshine no ones forgetting anything or anyone ok." Tony reassured her.

"Ok." She sniffed

We walked out the door and to Happy's car, we all climbed in. The drive to the airport was silent and awkward no one made eye contact with anyone and no one made conversation. Once we finally arrived everyone got out of the car and stood around the car waiting for me and May to get our stuff.

We walked over to the ticket station and luggage security before sitting in the waiting area.

"Plane to Miami will be open for boarding in 15 minutes."

"That's mine and Mays plane." I said

Before I could say anything I was attacked with a hug from Y/N. She was holding onto me as if I was dying, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. We stood like this for at least 3 minutes before Tony dragged Y/N off of me so that everyone could say their goodbyes.

"Goodbye kiddo I hope you do well in your new place." Tony said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you for everything Tony, I won't forget you I promise." I whispered into his ear.

"Goodbye Peter, i'll miss you, I hope you enjoy Miami." Pepper said as she also pulled me into a hug.

"Goodbye Pepper thanks for everything." I cried

"Plane to Miami is leaving in 5 minutes."

"Goodbye guys, I love you all so much." I cried

"Y/N I love you, don't ever forget that ok." I whispered to Y/N

She gave me one more hug and finally let go. I turned around to board my plane and when I turned around to look at them all one more time I saw
Y/N kneeling on the floor with tears streaming from her eyes. I couldn't help but cry at the sight of my best friend in pain.

"Come on Peter, she'll be ok, she always is." Aunt May reassured me.

We boarded the plane and I put in my headphones as we started to fly off.

I love you Y/N Stark.

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