Fresh start

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Peter's POV

I had been here in Malibu for 5 months now, nearly half a year without contacting Y/N. I was doing ok but it still hurt a lot but I had to hide it. I buried all my feelings and emotions praying they wouldn't spill out again.

I was stuck on and endless rollercoaster of emotions, some days I was happy, and others I was sad and alone. I hadn't made any new friends here in Malibu because everyone was so strange and different, and I didn't want any other friends apart from Y/N. I hadn't contacted her since I had been here. I wasn't aloud to, I had to send her message saying I didn't want to speak to her anymore and I had to be harsh too because of how stubborn she is.


Today 10:36pm

Hey Y/N I can't talk to you anymore, actually no, I don't want to talk, it may be harsh but I have started a new life here and I don't want memory's of people like you to keep me from making new friends.

Peter where is this coming from? What did I do wrong? I'm sorry.

Wednesday 9:47am


Wednesday 9:56am.

I know you probably don't care but I'm sorry for whatever I did and I hope you enjoy your life in Malibu .
Love from your ex best friend Y/N. Xx

That message from Y/N ruined me, I felt so guilty for breaking her heart, it made my heart physically ache. All I wanted to do was tell her and say that I'm sorry for being a terrible best friend and that I'm coming home because I missed her so much, but I couldn't because it would get us both killed, and if she died it meant that most of me would of died with her.

As much as it hurt me I knew that there was no way of seeing her again without putting her in danger. May said that I should go to therapy but it won't work, they wouldn't understand. Tony had sent me a super suit, he said I'm some sort of side Avenger called Spider-Man so I guess that's cool. He said that it was for my protection and for the people of Malibu's protection. Sometimes if I felt really lonely I would swing around buildings and sit on rooftops in my suit just looking at the stars.They reminded me of Y/N, bright personality and a blinding smile.

I woke up quite early to get ready for school. School wasn't much different than the one in Queens.  I used to enjoy school but now it just reminds me of good times with Y/N, and as much as I wanted to remember them, they just hurt.

School went by slowly, nothing unusual happened so it was boring. I got on the bus back home, May was at work tonight so I didn't know what to do for dinner but I'd figure it out. I got to my apartment and threw my backpack onto the floor. I warmed some pasta from the night before as I couldn't be bothered to cook, I finished my homework then decided to go out on patrol for a few hours. Everything was pretty normal until I saw a beam of light coming from the distance. I swung my way over there making sure to keep myself hidden from any danger. There were three men, one of them carried some sort of weapon, I had no idea what it was but it looked incredibly dangerous. My phone started ringing and I began swinging away so that they wouldn't kill me. Once I had reached a safe place I looked at my phone to see that I had 5 missed calls from May. I swung my way back home and sorted things out with May. I got into my pyjamas and rewatched the footage my suit had filmed of tonight's events and sent them too Tony. I finally fell into a deep sleep after a few hours of thinking about the guys and the weapons.

What were they and where did they come from?

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