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"Excuse me but

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"Excuse me but...who are you?"
3rd person
It had been a few days since Taehyung had woken up. A lot had passed since then.

Jimin and Jin has recommended that Nari stopped arriving as much, since Tae was still confused about his own identity. The poor boy had even forgotten his own name, and was shy around everyone except Jimin and Jin.

Nari still stopped by every once and a while, Taehyung growing freshly familiar with her as well.

The doctor had suggested that they hold back from mentioning traumatizing memories from Tae's past, including Jungkook himself. Therefore, Nari was forced to break the news to Jungkook that he wasn't allowed to visit Taehyung. That hadn't gone out too well.

Although people held back from visiting as much now that Tae was awake, the mysterious gift bringer that had given Taehyung gifts during his coma was still in action. Assortments from small plushies, to blankets and balloons lined the side of the room.

As for Taehyung himself, Jimin and Jin were both shocked as to who he was with his memory wipe.

Tae was just...different.
3rd Person POV:
He stood at the cashier's till, a soft plushie in his hands. Little toys and gifts surrounded him, ranging from Congratulations! balloons for new parents to blankets and toys for the other residents of the hospital.

The cashier gave him a warm smile that resembled a bunny as he approached. Her name tag read Nayeon.

"You again, huh?" She asked, laughing softly. She glanced to the small animal plush in the boy's hands and grinned.

"Whoever receives all those gifts you get is definitely lucky." Nayeon smiled, taking the toy from the boy's hands and scanning it. "A ten percent discount, since you are our most loyal customer."

The boy smiled and mumbled a small 'thank you' before paying and grabbing the toy. He stuffed it in his coat pocket and began to leave.

Nayeon called out a; "see you tomorrow!" Which made the boy smile. Maybe he had just made a new friend.
Tae's POV
Tae occupied himself with a colouring book his "new" friend, Seokjinnie-hyung, had given him. Ever since he had woken up from his coma, the poor boy had had an insane memory wipe.

The doctors suspected it was from the build up of trauma that decided to give the boy a clean slate. But whatever it was, had completely changed the Tae.

They called it 'Post-Traumatic Amnesia' or PTA for short.

Tae hummed a song, careful not to move around his hospital bed too much or else his body would hurt. He had woken up with terrible bruises, cuts, a head injury and two broken ribs to top it off. Though, Jiminie and Seokjin-hyung never told him how he got them.

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