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i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again, over him

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i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again, over him.
After Jungkook had re-appeared in Tae's life out of the blue, Jimin's job had gotten a lot harder.

The doctor had specifically given the order to protect Tae from everything that had triggered his PTSD. That included Jeon Jungkook.

After his not-so-good-entrance in Tae's "new" life, Tae had been more insistent on Jimin never leaving his side. He was almost attached to the hip with the older, never wanting Chim to leave him alone.

And tonight was no different.

"Please don't leave." Tae cried out, extending  his hands like a little kid. His bottom lip was jutted out into a pout. A slight glint of fear was present in the poor boy's eyes.

Jimin sighed. "I have school tomorrow, Tae. We- I mean, I- graduate in only a few months from now."

Tae let his arms go limp to his sides as he sunk deeper into his bed's mattress.

"I don't want to be alone." His voice was so quiet and fragile.

It was that vulnerable phrase that managed to persuade Jimin to stay just a little bit longer. Until Tae fell asleep, anyways.
The room was quiet and Jimin smiled when glancing at the sleeping boy on the hospital bed.

He was very happy with Tae's progress as a patient. Sometimes little glimpses or fragments of his trauma will hit during every day tasks, but otherwise he's doing swell.

Well- he was doing okay, until Jungkook had decided to wreck it.

As Jimin had always pictured Tae, he found the boy like a lego set. Block by block, he would build the boy up. Months ago, things would destroy this specific lego set, but now Jimin was content to see something very special taking form.

He used to pick the boy up, piece by piece, over and over again. Every touch delicate and fragile, as anything and anyone could knock it down.

Now, Tae was helping Jimin create a new piece. A new form, with a different Taehyung and a brighter life.

Jimin was so proud to see every piece he had put back together take shape into something beautiful.

And Jimin was so wrecked when he realized Jungkook had reappeared, just to strip away some of his progress.

Eyebrows furrowing, Jimin huffed at his thoughts. His eyes lay on the peaceful face of Taehyung, who's arms were about and one foot off the bed while he slept.

Jimin couldn't help but look at his exposed arms and internally recoil at the scars. Some were overlapping, others in perfect rows. There were burns, cuts and the faint bruises that hadn't yet left the boy.

Beginning to stir, Tae snapped Jimin from his staring. He mumbled a few words, and Jimin almost stopped his breathing to hear him properly.

"No." The word was short and quiet, so hushed that it was a struggle for the boy's ears catch.

"Please." Tae cried, beginning to stir even more. "No- don't!" He shrieked, beginning to thrash.

Jimin was on his feet rushing to Tae's side, frantic to wake the hospitalized boy from his nightmares.

"Please!" His voice was shrill and it made the older's blood run cold. "Don't leave!" He screamed, kicking the blankets from his body as he moved.

Jimin pressed a hand gently against Tae's shoulder, shaking him in an attempt to wake the boy.

Taehyung's face was in his pillows as he moved, thankfully they muffled his screams as he cried.

Another shake to Taehyung's shoulder, another scream from the boy on the bed.

"Don't..." Tae began to sob, tears dampening his pillowcase. "Don't leave..."

"Tae!" Jimin called out, the boy's eyes snapping open.

He gasped, looking around the room frantically before seeing Jimin. Upon eye contact, the boy crumbled and threw his arms around the older in desperation.

His sobs echoed throughout the room. Tae's tears soaking Jimin's shirt.

Shushing him, the latter stroked the crying boy's hair soothingly, trying to calm his sobbing.

Tae tried to speak, but all he could do was stutter.

"It's okay." Jimin whispered softly, planting a platonic kiss on the top of Tae's head, hugging him close as the boy shook.

A moment of silence. The only noise that filled the room was Tae's hiccups- a new trait with Tae's post traumatic amnesia.

"J-Jiminie."  Tae hiccuped, his stutter hacking at his speech.

"Yeah?" The aforementioned muttered softly, spinning some of Tae's hair between his fingers as he helped the boy settle down.

"Ca-Can-" hiccup "-you prom-mise me" hiccup "somethi-thing?" Tae's eyes were glassy, his cheeks watery from the tears that currently streamed down his face.

Reaching out, Jimin wiped away a fresh tear before nodding welcomingly. The doctor had requested that Jimin always stayed calm and collected in front of the boy; also maintaining a positive attitude so Tae could be kept in a good environnement while in his room.

"Of course." He said sweetly, and he felt Tae's grip around him tighten.

"Can yo-u promise to never lea-leave me?"

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