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i'm fuckin'- no- i'm fucked up__Jungkook, breathed

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i'm fuckin'- no- i'm fucked up
Jungkook, breathed. His right heel bounced with nerves as he waited for a quick tour around the hospital.

It hadn't even been 24 hours before he was notified about his new position within the hospital. To say he was ecstatic was an understatement.

He needed this.


The aforementioned's eyes landed upon a tall man. He has curly hair and a dimpled smile. Something about his easygoing air helped a small piece of Jungkook's nerves settle.

The younger approached his hospital 'tour guide', who was actually a fellow volunteer in his given division.

This division being called the 'Helpers'.

"The name's Chanyeol." The tall young man held out a hand. Jungkook's brows raised at the deep tone of his voice, and he couldn't help but feel intimidated at the sudden presence of this tall being.

Taking a bow. Jungkook introduced himself.

And so they were off.

"This is the front desk- hey Jihyo," One of the secretaries gave a light smile to the duo. "She's one of the secretaries." Chanyeol stated, continuing on his way through the hospital casually.

And, Jungkook was a decent height himself, but he was struggling to keep stride with this guy.

"The secretaries are really sweet, dude. Like, don't tell anyone, but Jihyo's probably my favourite." The curly haired snickered, making the younger chuckle.

"You into her or something?" The boy asked, scratching the back of his neck as he observed the light interior of the open hospital. There were a lot of windows.

"Nah, I'm kinda gay for someone."

Chanyeol's words were so casual, and yet Jungkook couldn't help but choke. Something tugged in the pit of the boy's gut, and he felt a tinge of sadness.

Why couldn't he be that casual about his sexuality?

"And," Chanyeol continued, waving to passing nurses and doctors along the way. "Jihyo's dating a doctor that works in the ICU."

Jungkook nodded. What else could he say?

"This is our child section." Chanyeol noted, opening a pair of swing doors and giving access to multiple halls.

The walls were a bright bubblegum pink, stickers littered here and there. Things seemed quite...optimistic.

But they would have to be. If a kid was in the hospital, it's never something good.

"There's my favourite Helper!" A happy voice came, a girl no older than Jungkook emerging from one of the rooms.

"Dahyun!" Chanyeol beamed, revealing his dimples. Behind this supposed Dahyun peeked a small boy no older than the age of seven.

"I was just reading to Eli here," Dahyun wrapped an arms around the hospitalized boy, who smiled shyly at both Jungkook and Chanyeol.

"This is Jungkook, one of the new Helpers." The tall man shoved the younger in front of him. The boy smiled sheepishly, giving a small wave.

After a happy introduction, the duo crept out of the child unit and down even more winding hallways. Many nurses, doctors and surgeons greeted them along the way.

"Everyone seems so nice here," Jungkook noted. Chanyeol hummed.

"We kinda have to get along if we want the patients to be happy."

The boy nodded. Fair enough.

"Right though these doors is actually a restricted area," Chanyeol warned. "Now that you're a Helper and volunteer, you'll be working in this unit for the most part. Any residents here are to be secret, as their privacy is within the hospital's rules."

Jungkook nodded, his stance and posture as stiff  as a board. He felt like a soldier.

But he had to be serious. This was the unit he'd be working in, after all.

"This unit is mainly our mental health department, but your job as a Helper is mainly to be a friendly face. After all, everyone needs a friend." Chanyeol stated.

He took a card out of a back pocket, the card carrying his hospital access and identity, and held it against the electrical lock beside the metal doors.

A beep.

The doors were unlocked. Chanyeol reached forward, and the duo stepped into the hallway.

Inspiring posters were hung left and right. Pretty images of sunsets and different landscapes were placed along the walls. Large windows filtered light across the entire hall.

The amount of doors lining the halls was astronomical to Jungkook.

The two greeted patients and fellow Helpers. Jungkook met some volunteers.

There was a boy named Jaehyun, a sweet guy named Jinyoung, a thai girl named Minnie, and another friendly giant who went by the name of Mingyu.

All of them were quite welcoming, making Jungkook feel ease? Perhaps this volunteering wouldn't be as hard as he had thought.

"Oh! look!" Chanyeol exclaimed, causing Jungkook to snap his focus from his current conversation with Mingyu. Down the hall walked two boys, one with black hair and the other with a faded shade of blue...

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol called, dragging Jungkook's arm so the two were walking at a very (very) fast pace towards the two.

This Baekhyun turned his head, along with the other.

And Jungkook's breathing stopped. His entire stomach dropped.

The soft chocolate eyes. The one monolid. The long bangs that sweeped before the boy's eyes,

before Tae's eyes.

"Baekhyunnie," Chanyeol grinned, gesturing to Jungkook. "This is Jungkook."

The Taehyung's eyes widened, a flicker of recognition upon them. But not the recognition the latter wished. It was most likely the memory of when he was caught giving another gift.


Chanyeol smiled, reaching to hold Baekhyun's hand.

"Meet Baekhyun and Tae."

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