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seasons change and our love went cold__"You're kidding me

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seasons change and our love went cold
"You're kidding me."

Nari deadpanned in disbelief. Shooting a scorching glare Jungkook's way, she turned back to the tv.

"I have the interview tomorrow, but I'd start volunteering by next week." The boy's voice was hesitant, watching his sister slowly react.

"And, did you even consider the fact that Tae is in that hospital?" Her tone was flat, clearly unimpressed. Jungkook gulped.

A figure walked into the lounge, carrying a bowl of popcorn.

"What's going on?" Jongwoo questioned, taking his spot beside Nari. The girl reached over and took the biggest handful of popcorn as possible.

"This dingus here," Nari pointed Jungkook, sending another stink eye, "had the audacity to volunteer at the hospital."

Jongwoo choked on his popcorn. He became a coughing fit, causing Nari push him off the couch and let him die on his own.

Jungkook stood awkwardly near the end of the couch, watching the chaos between his siblings unfold.

Sometimes being the middle child got tiring.

"You WHAT." Jongwoo exclaimed, standing from uncomfortable position on the floor. Nari cackled at the sight of her struggling eldest brother.

"I need the hours..." Jungkook mumbled, shuffling. His eyes were trained on the ground, and he felt a small sense of fear wash over him. Would his siblings be entirely against it?

A deep sigh came from his older brother.


Jungkook's head shot up in an instant, obvious confusion upon his face.

"Hold on, hold on." Nari began, reaching forward to pause her show (Wizards of Waverly Place) to tune into the conversation. "You're not angry about this?"

Jongwoo hummed, shrugging. "I think he's learning, Nari."

Jungkook uneasily watched his sister, waiting for her harsh shouts. She had become quite protective of Tae.

"Fuck it." She mumbled.

"Language." Jongwoo hissed.

"Heck it." Nari corrected, stealing the bowl of popcorn all to herself.

Jungkook cleared his throat awakwardly, fidgeting in his spot. "You mean..." Both his siblings heads turned to listen to him. "You mean you're okay with that?"

"You're learning, little bro." Jongwoo said softly. "It doesn't mean we're a-okay, but I think you've gone through a couple of really rough weeks."

"The walls aren't soundproofed either," Nari stated. "We can hear you crying, you know."

Jungkook's face grew warm, red creeping up his neck and across his face.

"Now come here." Jongwoo gestured, tugging at Jungkook's wrist until he was suddenly seated next to his siblings. "Let's keep watching the show."

"Finally," Nari groaned, pressing play on her show.

Jongwoo leaned to whisper into Jungkook's ear; "I'll help you get some nicer clothes for your interview tomorrow." The younger nodded.

The three Jeon siblings fell into a comfortable silence. The Wizards of Waverly Place opening began to play, earning some great dance moves from Jongwoo.

Once the show resumed, all became calm.

Under her breath, Nari mumbled, blushing:
"That Alex is kinda cute."

"That's Selena Gomez, you twit." Jongwoo corrected, not fully processing her words.

"wAIT WHAT-" Both Jongwoo and Jungkook realized.
the end.

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