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all the things yet to come are the things that have passed __"Someone looks happy today," Nari noted, shoving a spoonful of Lucky Charms into her small mouth

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all the things yet to come are
the things that have passed
"Someone looks happy today," Nari noted, shoving a spoonful of Lucky Charms into her small mouth.

Jungkook couldn't help but grin, skipping down the stairs and into the kitchen.

After fussing over his outfit and hair for nearly half an hour, the boy was ready for the day.

He snickered at the sight of Nari's bedhead, her hair sticking this way and that. A tired pout and her droopy eyes revealing her tired demeanour. Alongside her rubber ducky pyjamas and helpless mannerisms, the girl carried the air of a young child.

"Somebody has wicked bedhead." Jungkook chuckled, earning a death glare from his sister.

As he went to open the pantry, Nari called from the dining table.

"We're out of cereal."

Freezing, he sighed and turned to get some frozen eggos from the freezer instead.

"So you actually made Tae cheesecake?" His sister questioned, her mouth full with another spoonful of breakfast. Her brother nodded, a small smile ghosting his lips.

"You know he's gonna figure things out sometime." Nari warned, waving her spoon in the air. "The doctor thinks it'll only last a few more months...that means around your graduation, actually."

Jungkook gulped before nodding. He knew of the consequences that could soon follow from his reconnection with this 'new' Tae...but helping him helped put the boy at ease.

"Hey, hyung?" Jungkook called to his older brother, who was seated aside Nari at the dinner table. Jongwoo hummed, obviously focused on his phone. The older typed a storm, smiling softly.

"You're driving me to the hospital, right?"

Jungkook's brother glanced up from his phone, a suddenly panicked expression falling upon his handsome face.

"I can't."

The younger groaned.

"I promise I didn't mean to stand you up like this, Kook!" Jongwoo exclaimed, eyes wide. "I just...I promised a friend that I'd see them at a café."

Jungkook raised a brow, but didn't continue further. It wasn't like Jongwoo to go out of his way to socialize.

Recently, his oldest brother had cut off his friends, who were quite toxic and were never the best influence. They were rather rude to Nari, and never treated their house with respect.

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