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i guess this sounds like another sad love song__Tae's laughter filled the room

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i guess this sounds like another sad
love song
Tae's laughter filled the room.

"Hyung- stop!" He cried, yet Jin still attacked the boy with his tickles. The giggles music to Jin's ears.

Jimin entered the hospital room with a couple grocery bags in hand. He smiled at the sight before him.

"Are you ready to move to a new room, Tae?" The short boy asked, Jin stopping the tickle fight so the poor boy on the bed could speak.

"Yes!" Tae laughed, slipping from his bed and onto the floor. His feet were bare, the smooth marble beneath his toes felt very cold.

A sense of wonder crept through the boy. Wasn't it completely fascinating how our bodies had so much senses? That, even with the smallest change of temperature, our bodies are making adjustments and adapting?

"Well," Jimin grinned, holding the grocery bags in the air. "I got some snacks and a few surprises for when you see your new room."

Something hit Tae's fogged memory, a short glimpse of feeling. He couldn't think up all of it, as his amnesia held him from it.

The memory was sluggish and it hurt Tae's head to recall everything.

So, he gave up and shifted back to focus on Jin and Jimin.

"I'll go sign him into the new unit if you help him pack all the stuff he has." Jin told his younger brother, who nodded.

With the eldest leaving the room, Jimin and Tae began to clean. They made the bed, tucking all of the gifts from the 'anonymous' gift bringer into a bag.

Tae had little else to pack, as everything he had once owned was of Old Taehyung's. All of his things were of locations unknown to the boy, as anytime Tae spoke of where his old home was, Jimin would go tense.

"When will I be going to my own room?" The hospitalized boy questioned.

"What do you mean?" The other questioned.

"Like, home."
A memory sparked, a feeling surging forward.

Warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. Rapid heartbeat.

Doe eyes close to his own.

"Home we go."
Shaking himself from the bits and pieces of recollection, Tae focused on his friend.

Like always, Jimin froze, his eyes glancing to the younger. "Let's not talk about this."

This made the other sad. How come he couldn't see anything of his past? Why was everyone refusing him when he demanded to see anything from his lost memories?

Swallowing his frustration, he bit his tongue and continued to pack.
Tae now bounced on his toes in excitement, hugging one of his gifted stuffies to his chest.

For some reason, the tiger plush in his hands made Tae have déjà vu. Looking at it brought a warm, fuzzy feeling inside his chest.

Jimin carried all of the boys stuff (which easily fit into a decent sized backpack). They were escorted to the new unit, which had more windows than the previous section the boy had been in.

There were also less people. You could hear talking and more voices, but the halls lacked the amount of doctors as Tae's last unit had.

His last section was for medical care and urgent needs, and his stay was temporary since he arrived. Now, this new unit was for more of a residency, until his memory could slowly return and he was a hundred percent safe from harm.

Soon enough, they stopped in front of room #2769. "This is it." Jimin breathed, knocking slightly.

"Jinnie-hyung told you about your roommate, right?" The Jimin asked, Tae nodded. "Do you know his name?" To this, Tae shook his head as a no.

Somebody stumbled to the door and slowly it clicked open.

"H-hello?" Came a quiet voice, a pair of eyes peeking out from behind the door.

Jimin smiled, Tae shuffled in discomfort. Jin had mentioned he'd have a roommate with this new room, but now he felt rather shy.

"Ar- are you Taeh-hyung?" The boy stuttered, beginning to reveal himself a bit more. He had soft features, with a face that resembled his own.

The aforementioned nodded, wincing at the use of his full name. "Just call me Tae."

With that the shy boy nodded and smiled. He opened the door wide, greeting both Tae and Jimin.

"I'm B-Baekhyun."

Tae returned the smile, his muscles beginning to relax. All the anxiety and anticipation of his new roommate now disappearing from his worries.

Besides, perhaps he had a new friend!
[ stream ego, cowards ]

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