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[ sike ]fall more in love every day__"Are you sure this looks okay?"

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[ sike ]
fall more in love every day
"Are you sure this looks okay?"

Jungkook asked uneasily, looking at himself in the mirror.

Before him, he stood with a pair of black dress pants and a basic blue dress shirt. The top two buttons were undone, revealing the melanin skin beneath.

"We've looked at almost everything in this store, Kook." Jongwoo sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is the last one I'll let you try on. So, yes, it's very much adequate."

Looking in the mirror, Jungkook felt a sense of sadness. The blue of his shirt was the same shade as Taehyung's hair.

"Alright." Jongwoo clapped his hands, snapping the boy from his thoughts. "That's what we'll buy. Go get changed."

After shifting into his casual wear, he left the fitting rooms. Glancing around, he began to panic as he realized he couldn't find Jongwoo.

Eyes darting throughout the store, he finally caught sight of his order brother.

There he was....laughing?
With a girl?

W h a t .

Approaching his brother, Jungkook cleared his throat. "Hey, do you wanna go pay...?"

Jongwoo leaned in to whisper to the girl, both of them laughing. She had a beautiful, Jungkook would admit, but he was rather exasperated. Could his brother not be a flirty little bitch for, like, three minutes?

"Yo." Jungkook said, catching his brother's attention. Raising the clothes in his hand, he reminded Jongwoo that they had to pay.

"Oh- shit- right." Jongwoo chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. He took the clothes from Jungkook's hands. "I'll pay."

This made the younger raise a brow.

Jongwoo never paid full price.

"But I thought you said we'd split-" Jungkook began, earning a sudden elbow to the gut from his brother.

"Oh silly brother!" Jongwoo laughed, ruffling his hair. The female worker he had previously been flirting with giggled. "I told you, I'm paying."

His tone was sweet, but with the hint; mess this up for me and I'll kill you.

Impressing the female worker he was flirting with

So, Jungkook nodded. "Oh...right!" He smiled, flashing his bunny smile. A wicked idea then hit, and he turned around quickly. "Wait! I forgot something!"

"What do you mean you forgot something-"

Whipping around, Jungkook revealed the most pricy object in the entire store.

Which was...a watch? But not any normal watch. No no. This was a classy watch. Bitch, it was watché.

For it was...
a frog watch.

Which cost two hundred dollars.
Thank god Jongwoo was paying!

"What-" The older tried, but the female worker's eyes widened to the size of saucers. She nodded before clearing her throat.

"I can take you guys to a register."

Jungkook smirked.

As they walked, Jongwoo chatted with their new cashier.

"I'm Jongwoo. Jeon Jongwoo." His brother's tone was so cheesily deep it made Jungkook snicker. This earned a subtle kick to the shin.

"I'm Mina. Myoi Mina." The worker, Mina, replied happily.

Finally standing in front of the till, the items were scanned and the price revealed itself to Jongwoo.

"That's...three hundred and forty dollars." Her eyes widened, shocked at the price herself.

Jongwoo's reaction was priceless.

"This guy is rich I tell ya." Jungkook chirped, watching his brother try to act cool in front of this new girl.

"Here you go." Jongwoo frantically fished money out of his wallet, sliding the cash towards Mina slowly. The two locked eyes and Jungkook wanted to gag at the interaction.

Not that Mina was terrible. Just that his brother's romantic life made him want to vomit.

The receipt slowly printed out. Mina wrote something quick on the bottom corner before giving it to Jongwoo with a wink.

As they left they earned a small farewell from Mina.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. Face lighting m up, he grinned proudly at his older brother. His laugh was one of pure glee and contempt.

"I'm going to kill you." Jongwoo hissed.

Jungkook gave a teasing grin before taking off, sprinting from the expensive store and into the parking lot, hiding behind the car.

Jongwoo was not far behind, but he stopped once they reached the car.

Giggling, Jungkook checked the time on his phone.

In just two hours he would be interviewed.
Interviewed for a potential job at Tae's hospital.

If he managed to be successful, maybe he could even see the boy he once loved.
haha, y'all tHOUGHT
nah this book has way more before it finishes, trust me ;)

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