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dancing through our house, with the ghost of you_____It was a rough night for Jungkook, to say the least

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dancing through our house, with the ghost of you
It was a rough night for Jungkook, to say the least.

It hurt him, to see the boy who had been an everyday factor in his life just a couple of weeks ago.

He had hurt Taehyung. He had made mistakes he could never take back.

Jungkook sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. The look that had flashed in Tae's eyes was burned into his brain.

Confusion, fear, no familiarity.

The boy in that hospital bed felt like an entirely different person. Jungkook was ashamed to say that that scared him.

A warm tear rolled down his cheek, and he shuffled so he could cry into his pillows.

This was his fault. This was his mess. Yet, his ex boyfriend was the one paying the price.

Jungkook wanted to love the boy again. He wanted to retry. To hold the boy close, and never let go. He wanted to serenade the suicidal boy with so much love and appreciation, because he deserved it. Jungkook wished he could do everything again.

But life never did do-overs.

So, Jungkook would forever be plagued with this guilt. The weight of his mistakes would be something he would carry throughout the rest of his life time.

And the worst part?

He couldn't even see Taehyung. He could never apologize, or say anything. This would just wreck the other's life even more.

Jungkook sobbed, muffling his cries through his pillow.

He wanted to restart.

He wanted everything to come back.

Before Taehyung's suicide attempt. Before the boy's amnesia. Before Jungkook's stupid mistakes. Before it all.

Jungkook just wanted Taehyung.

But, how ironic.

As, sometimes, the things we want most in the world are the things we can never have.
congrats to jongdae for his engagement announcement and the baby on the way!

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