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how could i ever love you like you're meant to?__Jungkook had returned home numb

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how could i ever love you like
you're meant to?
Jungkook had returned home numb.

His mind a storm, the other Jeon siblings were quite concerned about their brother's state.

The boy sat, motionless, at the dinner table. His dark eyes never left the food before him, both Nari and Jongwoo eating away and discussing the latest trends.

"I'm just saying, tik tok dances aren't the coolest."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"It's just common facts!"

"Whatever." Jongwoo huffed, obviously offended that his sister didn't have faith in his dancing skills. He was a god at any Doja Cat song!

A sudden ring came from Jongwoo's phone, causing Jungkook to snap from his troubled thoughts. Both him and Nari shared a confused glance, watching their brother slowly rise from the dinner table.

"I have to take this." Jongwoo smiled apologetically. Before he left, he ruffled Nari's hair: "the food was really good." He praised. The girl beamed, quite proud of her cooking skills.

After their eldest brother left, the other two shared an awkward silence.

Jungkook began to zone out, mind always finding its way back to that faded blue hair...

A hand touched his. "Hey...are you okay?" Nari's voice was soft, and she held his hand gently.

The boy focused upon her, humming. He must not think about Tae. Jungkook wasn't good enough for the older anyways.

But those eyes. The way Taehyung had spoke...

"I might just head to bed." Jungkook abruptly left the table, leaving his sister within the dining room.

Nari frowned, realizing she was suddenly alone.
Throwing himself on the bed, Jungkook stared at the ceiling.

The room was dark, shadows swallowing the space. The boy watched as the shadows danced along with the trees blowing in the wind outside.

His mind wandered.

He still couldn't process that he was now Tae's Helper.

He'd be with Tae almost everyday.


Why wasn't he happy?

Because it's not the same. And it never will be.

Jungkook wrecked things, and now Tae is different and the entirety of their relationship has completely flipped.

But- oh god- Kook had missed that blue hair. He missed his Tae's soft nature, and the way he never hesitated to help others before he helped himself.

For that boy had been through so much pain. From the death of a mother, to an abusive father, to a cheating boyfriend and now to amnesia?

Jungkook felt like crying. He didn't cry this much until just recently, apparently.

Eyes glued to the ceiling, the boy reached to hug a pillow. The velvety fabric shifted between his fingers, and he clasped the item as if it were his lifeline.

He had messed up.

So, so bad.

Tears began to form on the brink of the boy's eyes. He blinked rapidly, forcing the emotion back.

Tae had looked beautiful today. He wasn't wearing anything special, but he just radiated a godly-glow. He was so...perfect.

Not because he was just pretty. Looks aren't the best part of Taehyung.

Jungkook should've appreciated that sooner.

For Tae was capable of so much. He loved. He cared. And he trusted. After everything he'd been through.

And the latter had broken that trust.

Tears began to slip, falling down the boy's cheeks and splashing against the bed sheets.

How could he face him? How was he allowed to help the boy after everything he'd done?

Jungkook replayed the memories of the old Taehyung, the ghost of Taehyung, throughout his mind.

The boy sighed, completely turning to face the moon outside.

How could he ever be forgiven?
jungkook's perspective is kind of inspiration

i know what you all might say, and yes, he isn't the best.

but people change.
don't be afraid to tell the people you love that you love them. never hold back from caring for people. always love, care, and live.

we never know when our life will change.

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