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i swear i'll never leave you again __"How have you never tried cheesecake?" Jungkook gasped

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i swear i'll never leave you again
"How have you never tried cheesecake?" Jungkook gasped.

Tae sat across from him, the two seated comfortably on either side of Tae's bed. The boy shrugged, giggling.

It was now ten past five, and their intense game of 21 questions had become a big icebreaker between the two.

"I either don't remember or I've just never tried it." The blue haired stated, a smile upon his face. He shook his head at Jungkook's shocked expression.

"We have to fix this!" The younger exclaimed. Tae quirked a brow.


"Uh, yeah. You're the one that's never tried one of the best desserts in the world." Crossing his arms, Jungkook gave a daring look to the boy across from him.

Tae's gaze stiffened. Then he nodded. "Challenge accepted." His tone was serious, but the older's mouth quirked up into a sly grin.

Jungkook's eyes suddenly caught sight of plenty of colouring books, all stacked beside Tae's bed. He remembered the boy informing him of his fascination with art- which was a pang of nostalgia towards the time that Taehyung had drawn Jungkook for christmas- and how Tae found it as an activity that needn't anything but him and his own expressions.

"Have you coloured all of those?" Jungkook questioned, pointing to the stack of books. He watched Tae grin, the box-like shape prominent.

"Yup!" The older stated proudly. The helper watched as Tae reached for the pile, dropping the many books on the bed.

Reaching out a hand, Jungkook had to resist the urge to suddenly grab a book and look at the boy's art. That would be intrusive, and the younger didn't want to make Tae upset.

"May I?"


So he took the nearest colouring book. Flipping through the pages, his eyes grew wider and wider. The amount of colours were incredible. Every single part of the page had a different shade of a different colour.

"This is amazing!" Jungkook exclaimed, glancing up at Tae. The boy across from him gave a shy nod, reaching forward to grasp a sketchbook, his hand dipping due to the book's heavy weight.

"This one..." Tae began, flipping through the many pages. "This one is my favourite."

(credit to: moi

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(credit to: moi. it took me 6 hours to make that )

Jungkook's eyes widened to a great extent. He couldn't find words, unable to speak. Eyes resting upon the art, he was frozen.

"It took hours and lots of colours, but I'm really proud of it!" Tae brushed the ends of the pages softly, gazing at it with lots of adoration.

"That's amazing, Tae."

The boy before him glanced up at Jungkook.

Their eyes met.

Tae's smile grew, eyes crinkling. Jungkook couldn't help but grin at the sight, flashing his own signature smile.

"Like a bunny!" Tae giggled, the younger chuckling.

Opening his mouth to speak, Jungkook was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Ta-Tae!" Baekhyun hopped to the blue haired and hugged him tightly. "Channie and I...saw-uh-saw a movie!"

"Tell him which one, Baek." Chanyeol chuckled, striding over to put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, gently pushing the boy teasingly.

The younger glanced up at the curly haired, sticking out his tongue.

As Baekhyun and Tae talked endlessly, Jungkook stood from the bed and stretched. After sitting in the same spot for hours his entire body ached.

But it was worth it.

"How did it go?" Chanyeol whispered, and Jungkook smiled. His eyes never left Tae, who chatted with Baekhyun happily.

"It went really well."

The older chuckled, eyes going to Baekhyun. "I'm glad."

Tae laughed, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile even harder.
He had to leave the hospital and head home at six, as the residents were now supposed to go to supper and begin to wind down for the night.

Jungkook took the bus, as his brother and Nari were apparently on a 'very important mission'.

His mind drifted over the entire day, a subconscious smile appearing upon his face. God, he felt so happy.

The conversations were replayed, every moment displayed across Jungkook's mind.

Today was a good day.

As soon as he entered his home, Jungkook exhaled. The grin never left his face as he strolled throughout the house in daze.

Today seemed so unreal.

"Jongwoo?" Jungkook called, wondering whether his brother was home. "Nari?" No response.

Shrugging, the boy made his way to the kitchen. A certain conversation had stuck within his mind, and Jungkook was now on a mission.
"Kook, we're home!" Jongwoo called.

Him and Nari were laughing as they took off their shoes and coats, both still wearing all black. As they drifted further into the house, they were able to hear a soft tune of music.

The two siblings sharing a confused glance. Drifting down the hall, the duo crept into the kitchen.

Some song by Keshi was playing from the kitchen speakers, Jungkook's back turned to the two.

They watched their brother hum softly, slightly dancing the song as he baked?

"What is this?" Nari asked, shocked.

Jungkook jumped. Whipping around, he was met with two expectant siblings. Both of them wore amused looks, causing the boy to turn a slight shade of pink.

"I'm baking."

"Baking what?" Jongwoo asked, strolling over to the many ingredients strewn across the counter.

sorry for no update yesterday.

this chapter's got be craving cheesecake now.

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