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the day you left me, an angel cried __Taehyung tossed and turned, dreams a confusing middle of emotions

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the day you left me, an angel cried
Taehyung tossed and turned, dreams a confusing middle of emotions...
. . .
    "Can we be friends?" the boy asked. "We always seem to get into weird situations and I don't want this to always be awkward so....?"

    Taehyung thought it over. The definition 'Friend' meant a lot to him. But to refuse his offer might wreck their relationship even more.

"Sure." He finally shrugged. The boy smiled, his eyes crinkling.

"Well, enjoy the milk and pocky. I gotta go eat so....see you later?"

Taehyung nodded slightly, beginning to subconsciously smile. The two of them turned and parted ways, both of them nearly skipping.

The elder grinned, clutching his treats as he made his way back to Jimin and their tree.


. . .

"You're drunk." Taehyung repeated. "Let's go-"

"How come you're so distant all the time?" Are boy asked, wobbling a bit from his drunken state.

Taehyung sighed.

"Why can't we ever kiss without you stopping?" He spoke, running a hand through his hair as he threw away the empty beer can he had been holding.

"——-, please, let's go home-"

Odd. The name seemed rather blurry.

"No, Taehyung!" The boy snapped and the silver haired flinched, taking a step back as he instinctively brought his arms up to his head.

It went quiet for a minute, the sound of people's laughter and the new Rihanna song which was currently playing was all that could be heard.

"You can leave if you want," He growled. "I'm going to have fun."

And, with that, his drunk boyfriend left Tae alone.

The silver haired watched the brunet disappear in the mass of people.

A lump formed in his throat.

Big boys don't cry.

Swiftly, Taehyung rushed into the crowd.


. . .

Something in the left of his chest hurt. And he was scared to believe what it was.

The boy's mouth opened and closed like a fish. No words were spoken. Instead, Taehyung thought he could hear his own heart breaking.

Feeling his body burn, he turned and left.


Tae jolted awake, eyes flying wide. His hands grasped the blankets, a cold sweat coating his entire body.

His lip trembled, and he fought hard to not cry at that moment.

His mind raced.

The boy from his dreams played through his mind. He couldn't remember the name or face, but the feelings were daunting.

Tae fought to remember the details, but the memories and emotions slowly began to drift.

He groaned in frustration, finally letting the tears fall freely. Eyes staring at the ceiling above, Tae observed the fake stars glued all across the ceiling.

Mind beginning to slow, Tae took a shaky breath.

He wished for his memory. He longed to know and remember who he had once loved. There was much he wanted, and life seemed to be refusing any leeway to his past.

Tae clutched the blankets closer to his chest, crying silently.

Tomorrow he was to be given a Helper. Tomorrow, things would change- or at least that's what he told himself.

As he drifted back to sleep, Tae's dreams formed into a different figure. Memories were not involved, and instead he dreamed about meeting his Helper.

After all, tomorrow...everything would be different.
two updates in a day?
who am I?? 😂

opinions on a Nari & Jongwoo chapter?
Like, just an update about the Jeon siblings and their crackhead antics?

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