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i can't sleep without you__A box smile

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i can't sleep without you
A box smile. Flash of silver hair.

Memories replayed from the New Years party with Jungkook's ex boyfriend.

The way he laughed.

The way he smiled to everything anybody said.


Everything seemed so...perfect.

Taehyung was perfect.

They locked eyes.

Jungkook inched closer...

They stared at each other, their bodies growing nearer.

Nari was shouting along to the New Years countdown

Jongwoo was dancing.

Jungkook was smiling.

And Tae was having the time of his life.

The silver haired looked up at the younger. subconsciously, they approached one another.

Time seemed to speed up and all noise was drowned out.

Jungkook ducked his head to Taehyung's level, letting their noses brush.

The silver haired looked up at the younger through his long lashes.


Their faces so close, the electricity and static was exchanging between their skin.

taehyung was absolute perfection.

Jungkook was growing nearer and soon enough his breath was, again, ghosting Taehyung's lips.


And then Tae's eyes closed.


And so did Jungkook's.


They shifted their positions so they were facing each other.


Jungkook's bottom lip slightly brushed against Tae's, sparks shooting throughout both of their bodies.


Taehyung's breathing hitched.

"Happy New Year!"

Then Jungkook leaned in-

Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat. He didn't realize he was crying until he felt the warm droplets hit his bedsheets and his breath turn unsteady.

His body was hot. Too hot.

Thrashing around, he began to panic further as he struggled to throw his blankets for he ground.

The boy sobbed quietly, shaking.

The images of Taehyung still flashed in his head.

The memories of his Taehyung. Jungkook's Taehyung.

Jungkook sat, alone, in complete darkness. Shaking, he glanced to his clock to realize it was around two in the morning.

Throwing himself back onto his bed, he let his tears soak his pillow.

His mind raced.

Thoughts began to swarm and he began to panic further. Things seemed more claustrophobic and everything seemed even warmer than before.

Jungkook felt as if he was dissociating, his mind in a state of manic.

A storm of regret clashed in the boy's heart. Guilt and sadness taking over his sanity.

He exhaled deeply, his breathing stuttered.

Why hadn't he ever told Taehyung he was perfect before?

The more he thought this over, the more he realized he never said it enough.

Maybe if Jungkook wasn't such an immature idiot, Taehyung would still have his memory right now.

Crying, Jungkook panicked. He pulled his knees to his chest and closed his eyes.

He had wrecked so much.

Tae would never forgive him.

Everything in his life was now flipped and reversed.

Everything without Taehyung was empty.

What could he do now?

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