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hello everyone 💜

to all who are reading my story, i wish to say
thank you. it's your love for this book that makes all of it happen.

i wish to announce that, after the wattpad breach, i no longer feel safe with this account. i feel great attachment towards what i have created and to all of you who read these books,

but something will change here.

i'm creating a new account ( MOCHIROH ) which will carry these books from now on. if you wish to find Canvas, switch to my new account.

i'm leaving ( @SPOOKYCHIM ) behind. perhaps it is for the best, as this account was created during rough times that Cry and Canvas endured with me. SPOOKYCHIM was a period of my life when everything was dark and i cried every day.

but MOCHIROH will be a new era. i wish to promote self care and self love, and help any of you going through a hard time. you guys matter, and i just wish to announce the creation of my new account, as Canvas will soon disappear and be republished 💜

i really hope you guys are safe after the breach
and hopefully will give republished Canvas just as much love as the original.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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