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you look so happy when i'm not with you__"Jungkook,"

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you look so happy when i'm not with you

Chanyeol smiled, reaching to hold Baekhyun's hand.

"Meet Baekhyun and Tae."
"Ni- nice to" Baekhyun smiled. Jungkook gave a shaky smile to the friendly boy, trying to hide his panic.

Taehyung was right there.

"Just call me Tae please." Taehyung's voice sounded like it had before. Jungkook wanted to cry.

"Jungkook will actually be working with someone in this unit!"

Both pairs of eyes went wide.

Tae glanced uneasily at the dark haired, who was having a whole internal breakdown. He might just die on the spot.

"Well nice to meet you, Jungkook." Tae said, giving a small smile. The boy wanted to grimace, as he knew the grin was fake.

"Nice to meet you, too." The words felt like déjà vu. "I- uh- I like your hair." Jungkook stuttered. If he were to be completely honest, he thought all of Tae looked perfect.

It was so agonizing. To see the boy he had dated and to pretend he didn't still feel feelings for him.

"The blue?" Tae questioned, eyebrows raising. Jungkook watched as the boy tentatively reached for a strand of hair, observing the colour. "I'm not too fond of it actually. Might dye it something else."

Jungkook hummed, unsure as to what he should say.

Thankfully Chanyeol spoke, letting go of Baekhyun's hands (earning a small whine from the boy.)

"We should actually continue our tour, as he's gotta come back tomorrow for his first day." The tall man winked, sending a dimpled smile to Tae and Baekhyun.

Without another word from Jungkook, the two exited the unit. Tae and Baekhyun watched them leave.

As they neared the doors, the boy's mind raced.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

He glanced over his shoulder, eyes flitting back to the two hospitalized boys watching them leave.

Their eyes met.

Those beautiful eyes.

Now coated in a haze of cold unfamiliarity.

Tae blinked and Jungkook snapped his gaze back to the doors in front of him.

Damn it. Why'd he look?
"This is the end of the road for today."

Chanyeol finally ended the tour back at the front desk, Jihyo currently on the phone behind the desk.

"Jihyo here will page our supervisor, Mrs. Kang- the lady who interviewed you earlier-, and she'll tell you who you'll be helping!" A big dimpled smile from the tall boy made Jungkook's arising nerves settle.

"Don't be nervous, though. I was really fearful at first. But, hey, now I got Baekhyun and we're great!" Chanyeol's words were encouraging, but they couldn't kill the sick feeling in Jungkook's gut.

He just knew who he'd be with.

And it terrified him.

"I actually have to go hang with Baekhyun now, but I'll see you tomorrow?" The curly haired man sent one last smile Jungkook's way before he departed.

The boy stood, fiddling with his hands. He was really jittery with nerves.

Jihyo hung up the call, gazing at the boy before her.

"You scared?" Her tone was teasing, a small smile upon her face. She leaned forward to rest her face in her hands. "You should totally be terrified."

Jungkook had to send a glance at her entertained smile to realize she was still joking.

"Hey," she said, catching his eyes. "It's not that bad. Believe me, as soon as you become a Helper, it'll change your life."

"change your life"

"I paged Mrs. Kang, so she should be here any moment-"

"Mr. Jeon?" A voice called, and the same lady from his interview emerged. She gave him a light smile.

Jungkook gulped.

Within Mrs. Kang's hands were papers. An entire file of them.

She held the folder out, encouraging him to take it. "This is some basic information about your assigned resident. All of this stays private, or else." Her tone was stern, and the boy shuddered. "I wish you good luck for tomorrow."

And, with that, Mrs. Kang rushed to assist somewhere across the hospital.

Jungkook stood, frozen. He was too scared to look at the folder, so he watched the supervisor leave instead.

"Who'd you get?" Jihyo questioned. Her voice snapping the boy from his staring, he cleared his throat.

Finally building up the courage he raised the folder.


It took multiple tries of rereading for the name to register within Jungkook's mind.

"Kim Taehyung."

The name felt empty, far too much emotion underneath for Jihyo to understand. For that name carries such a story, and a story of which Jungkook was most certainly the villain.

But now the villain was the one aiding the hero.

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