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i love you and i don't want to__"I like guys, dad

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i love you and i don't want to
"I like guys, dad."

A beat of silence.

"A- and," Jungkook stuttered.
"I think I'm in love."
It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Jungkook's dad cleared his throat.

"No you aren't."

His father's tone was firm, insistant even.

The boy's heart raced. Instant regret consumed him as he began to panic. Did he- did he actually just come out to his father.

"Yes," He cleared his throat, "I am."

Jungkook could see the cogs turning in his father's brain, the man deep in thought. His look grim, facial expression stone cold.

He gulped.


The sound of Jungkook's clock ticked, ringing throughout the boys ears. Blood pounded throughout his body, his mind racing.

Palms sweaty, his gaze turned to the sofa beneath him. 

A small splash of liquid appeared, landing on the couch. The gray fabric turned dark.

Another drop, another spot of darkness.

Jungkook touched his eyes in disbelief, frantically grabbing his face as he worried about his tears.

And yet,
    he had none.

Instead, the tears were those of his father.

Jungkook's eyes shot upwards. There, his dad, a cold man with little expression, cried.

His hands shook as he panicked even more. Why was he crying?

A small whisper came from his father's quivering lips. As the room was dead silent, Jungkook caught each syllable.

"I'm sorry."

Jungkook froze.

"I'm sorry." His father looked up, his eyes wet as he cried. Their eyes met. "I-"

"Why are you sorry." Jungkook hissed. His own eyes began to gather tears, and he fought to choke back his overwhelming emotions.

"You aren't the one who's the mistake." He continued, his tone sharp. His father sat, motionless. "You aren't the one who's- who's," the boy fought his tears, "who's a fucking fag. I shouldn't like men, but I do."

The words stung for the both of them, a sense of harsh reality hitting.

"I've failed you," his father tried again. "Maybe if- maybe if I had taken some sort of precautions before Nari- perhaps your mom would still be here and-"

"Shut up!" Jungkook cried. His tone was one of pure agony. The man in front of him went quiet once again. They both sat, staring at each other in silence.

The poor boy then broke.

He began to cry.

No longer could he fight his tears.

No longer would he stay silent about who he loved.

The boy's cries echoed around the hollow living room.

Jungkook's eyes were shut tight, tears streaming down his face. His sobs made his entire body shake, too afraid of any actions his father might do.

Suddenly, a warm pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"Never apologize for loving a person." His father whispered, voice shaky from his own tears.

happy valentines 💜

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