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and it's not fair; i keep writing a sequel to stories i know that are not there__"What?"

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and it's not fair;
i keep writing a sequel to stories i know that are not there

Jungkook hissed, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the office chair tightly. His right leg bounced nervously as he stared at their school's guidance counsellor before them.

Between the teen and the worker lay a singular piece of paper.

"This," The counsellor stated, pushing the paper towards Jungkook, "is your graduation checklist."

The boy nodded, eyes wide.

Continuing, the old counsellor began to gravely read the page. "It states here- and here- that you need proper hours and grades to make it onto this year's grad list."


Y i k e s .

"And it seems, Mr Jeon," The older woman shot him an unimpressed stare, "that your checklist isn't complete on either of those qualifications."

"I- uh- what-" Jungkook began, now thrumming his fingers against his thigh. His heart was racing as the bad news began to settle inside his head.

"So what I'm saying is that you have very few months to redeem yourself." The counsellor's tone was stern as she shot a warning glare at the teen boy.

All that Jungkook could muster was a curt nod.

"I suggest you start studying... find a tutor perhaps?"

The latter shuddered.
The thought of being taught by some greasy nerd at their school sent fearful shivers down Jungkook's spine.

Yet, instead of showing his uneasy opinions, he nodded. After all, he really did want to graduate.

"Also," the counsellor smiled softly, "volunteer hours go a long way on resumes." Her words were light, but the note was quite prominent.

Just fucking do something to graduate.

Or, at least, that was how Jungkook perceived it.

Not like he disagreed with it anyhow.

And so, he straightened his back and cleared his throat, meeting eyes with the lady before him.

"Do you have any ideas where I could volunteer?" His voice was sheepish. Jungkook continued; "I- I really want to have a chance like the rest of my grade."

Scratching the back of his neck, the boy sat expectantly. The woman hummed, quickly typing something into the office computer before turning back to the teen.

She thrummed her nails against her desk, shooting a small smile at Jungkook.

"It seems the hospital is in the most need of volunteers, Jeon."

Jungkook froze.

"Perhaps," she continued, "I could send a recommendation to the head office? That's almost a guaranteed volunteer position."

Jungkook opened and closed his mouth.
Would this bite him in the ass later?
Would he stumble upon Taehyung?

Would he make things even worse?

"You do need the extra hours." The counsellor reminded.

Gulping, Jungkook nodded.
He agreed to her offer, commencing the plan of a decent resume to send in regards towards the head office of the hospital.

And, although Jungkook felt a sinking feeling in his gut, he had to remind himself:

It was either volunteering or no diploma.
this COVID-19 is going insane
my school is closed, finals are canceled, and my school year might just end :')

how are y'allsters? 💜

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