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can anybody find me somebody to love?__"the stars a

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can anybody find me somebody to love?
"the stars a...are beautiful toni-ight."
Baekhyun breathed from his bed, him and Tae gazing outside their dorm's window.

Moonlight filtered across the cold floorboards. Tiny rays of silver that gently shifted with the sway of the shadowing branches outside.

All was calm.

All was quiet.

"Baekhyun?" Tae whispered, his voice tiny.

The aforementioned hummed in response, peeking out from his blankets to gaze at his new roommate.

"Do you..." Tae began, but he trailed off. Taking a small exhale, he tried once more. "Do you ever find it hard to sleep, sometimes?"

Both boys were quiet for a moment, until Baekhyun gave a small nod in the dark.

"Yeah." He managed, no stutter whatsoever. "Dreams ar-are...scary." His tone was sad, words so fragile Tae feared his roommate may break down at any moment.

"Mine too." The latter stated, shifting onto his back. Above him, small plastic stars were glued across the ceiling, giving a slight glow in the dark. At the sight of the cute little shapes before his eyes, Tae smiled.

Another minute of soft quiet.

"My...." Baekhyun voices seemed to carry a note, as if he were struggling to say the next word. "My..."

"It's okay," Tae encouraged, watching the other slowly grow frustrated with his stutter. It appeared as if whatever Baekhyun was saying was just stuck in his throat, unable to be pronounced.

"My helper," Baekhyun breathed, relieved that the word had finally worked. "Channie, he- um- he made the bad- bad dreams go-" Baekhyun's voice cracked suddenly, causing him to get a tad embarrassed. "He ma-kes my n...nightmares go away."

Tae nodded, giving a small sound of understanding. Although Baekhyun's stutter was rather heavy, the boy couldn't help but find it rather endearing. It made his roommate even more if a human, in Tae's eyes.

Slowly watching his roommate, the boy observed as Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably in his bed. His hands shaking slightly, and- with the moonlight-, Tae caught sight of his distraught expression.

Glancing back at the starry ceiling, Tae thought.

Chanyeol had made Baekhyun's nightmares disperse? That caused an immense sense of longing in the pit of Tae's gut. For he wanted someone to make his nightmares disappear.

"I didn't alwa-ys h...have this stu-tter." Baekhyun whispered, sitting up to gaze at Tae. His eyes were soft and watery, reflecting the moonlight.

Tae sat up as well, shifting his fresh blankets to see the boy across the room.

"Th-Th-They say it was a compli-um-complication after I h...hurt myself." His roommate was curled up, shaking. Before Tae's eyes, he watched the boy reveal his emotions, the smiley exterior temporarily cracking.

"It's a...a...." Baekhyun scrunched his brows in thought. Tae nodded encouragingly, playing with his blankets in the mean time.

"N...Neurogenic- um- st-stutter!" The boy said, proud that he could remember.

The latter nodded once more. It was crazy how many complications can happen from just a few seconds of physical and mental damage.

"I have some kind of amnesia." Tae murmured. His eyes trailed over the plastic stars above, then to the ones outside. "Post-traumatic amnesia." He recalled. Jimin had told him his case, giving it the short term of 'PTA'.

Baekhyun hummed, something Tae observed as a habit he did quite a lot in response to others.

"Channie h-helps with...with my st-utter." The boy smiled, starting to slowly slip back into his bed and return beneath his blankets. "He says's just a pe-perk to" Baekhyun giggled, obviously recalling some sort of memories.

Tae followed suit and let his back sink against the mattress. His eyes rested upon one specific star right before him. The top corner of the shape was slightly cracked, a small line jutting through the plastic object.

This was oddly soothing to Tae. Perhaps in the way that this star carried imperfections and, yet, he still found it beautiful.

Maybe others would see him the same way?

Perhaps he'll find his own Chanyeol. And they'll help his own memory and nightmares.

Rolling over, Tae tucked his chin beneath his blankets. His eyes began to close as he grew deeper and deeper in thought.

What was he thinking about, you may ask?
Simply about whoever would become his helper and his own 'Chanyeol.'

Soon enough, he began to dream.

He started to fall deeper,
                d e e p e r,
into his subconscious.

Dreaming all about having a person who would support him the way Chanyeol does with Baekhyun.

Dreaming about someone who would see him like he saw the stars in the night sky.

God, did Tae just want
somebody to love.
this book is just too cute to write
i have an odd attachment to this book's taehyung and baekhyun uwu

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