#1 Run

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Jeno dashed down the street, his laughter echoing around the neighborhood. It was growing darker outside as the milky blue autumn sky faded away, trailing the last of it's purple hues, and being replaced by a dark navy blue. His breath was heavy when he finnaly came to a stop. The chill in the air stung against his bare arms and his breathes came out in clouds. He didn't mind though. Nor did he care much about the sting in his lungs. He loved these kinds of nights. He felt so free. Like he could do anything. His parents had begun to fight again so he did the usual; sneaking out his window to get his two best friends..

Huang Renjun, and Na Jaemin.

He looked back the direction he came and saw the figures of his friends growing closer, slowing down as they did. The street lights began to flicker on as the youngest of the three arrived.

"Okay.. Jeno.. You win.. Again.." Jaemin managed between heavy breathes. Jeno smiled and stood up straight. He noticed that the oldest, Renjun, who was about to arrive hadn't slowed down. So he did what any good friend would do and as the Chinese boy approached, he reached out and caught the boy. He was lucky he didn't fall from the intense impact of the boy. But when he could hear Renjun's muffled laughs against his chest, he knew the older was alright. They all eventually made there way to the sidewalk, getting to the nearest driveway, and laying down on the cool concrete. They were all still catching there breath from running when Jeno turned to his right to look at the two boys.

"Well Renjun.. I guess you just have to accept it.."


"You're the slowest." Jaemin laughed at Jeno's remark and watched as Renjun sat up and pouted cutely.

"Uuhg!! Fine.." He sighed. They all layed on there backs peacefully as the remaining streetlights flickered on. Jeno breathed in deeply, the scent of dead leaves clouding the air. Ask anyone else and they would say it's close to horrible.

Ask Jeno and he would by a candle with the scent in the blink of an eye.

He smiled lightly at the thought of him, Renjun, and Jaemin all smiling and laughing, enjoying there holidays with Jeno's cats and eachother while the scents of freshly baked pastries danced around the warm kitchen.

He was pulled from his thoughts by Jeamin who walked over and grabbed his hand lifting him up and motioning for him to stay silent. It was then that Jeno noticed why:

Renjun had fallen asleep.

Jeno chuckled softly and looked at the older boy lovingly before looking back at Jaemin.

"What did you do to wear him out this time Nana?" He asked quietly as he picked Renjun up bridal style.

"I mean.. I don't think he slept well last night... He kept muttering about his mother.."Jeno looked at Renjun's face. All of his delicate features captivated Jeno. He just wanted the best for his hyung but it seemed that the horrific memories of the past would plague Renjun forever.

Renjun's father was abusive. His mother used to be beat by him constantly and he was always drunk. Renjun occasionally came to school with scars or bruises from him attempting to save his mother from the blows. One day Renjun and his mother desided to leave. They each packed there bags and got in the car.

They began to drive off without a word to anyone.

Renjun's mother died in a fatal car accident as they turned out of the neighborhood.

Jeno and Jaemin were with Renjun when she died in his bloody arms. Jeno couldn't imagen having an image of his mother mangled from a car accident. And to have her blood on your arms...

Renjun had been alone with his abusive father for 5 months.

He beat Renjun, starved him, locked him in his room, he eventually began to use Renjun as a way of earning money.

A child prostitute.

Jeno shook his head. He wished he could bring Renjun home with him but knew his father would only do worse things to Renjun if the small boy wasn't home.

As Jeno and Jaemin approached Renjun's small home they began to feel anxious.

What if he beat them?

What if he locked them in a room?

Nevertheless, Jaemin opened the door for Jeno. They crept in the small house, praying that Renjun's father wasn't home.

Renjun had always told them to never under any circumstances go in his house but they wouldn't be here long. They finnaly made it to Renjun's room which they were able to recognize since they had met Renjun at his window countless times. It was small with nothing but a dresser, a lamp, and a mattress on the floor. One pillow and one blanket were on said mattress and they brought him over, setting him down gently. As Jaemin brought the covers over him he opened his eyes a bit. For a moment he was confused. Who was tucking him in?

"Mama..?" Renjun muttered. Jeno winced when the picture came back to his mind but Jaemin just shook his head.

"No.. Not your mama injunie... It's Jaemin.. Me and Jeno are going to leave, okay?" Suddenly Renjuns eyes shot open and he sat up.

"Jaemin! Jeno! You two need to leave! Now!"

As if on que, they heard a loud bang from the living room that sounded like the shattering of a glass bottle followed by a shout.

"Dumb fuck, get out here now! You have a customer slut!!" Jaemin froze and looked to Jeno who simply gestured for them to stay silent and move behind him. They did as told, Jaemin moving swiftly behind Jeno and beconing for Renjun to join him in the corner. Jeno stood firm in the middle of the room for a moment debating what to do. Then he had it. He approached the door and hid behind it so when the man walked in Jeno would be hidden. As he did Jaemin noticed him pull out a 6 inch switchblade. He put renjun behind him. He new what Jeno was going to do.

"Hey!! Do yah hear me! Get your ass out here!!!" Jeno looked to Jaemin who nodded him a good luck before the door swung open. The large man scanned the room, his eyes finnaly landing on Jaemin. The man smirked a bit and he walked over to Jaemin who despite shaking like crazy, was holding his head up confidently. He grabbed Jaemin's chin and inspected his face before he chuckled.

"You know.. If my slut of a son has friends like you... Well I could start my own business.." Jaemin almost flinched when the man touched him but managed to maintain his facade and he prayed to god that Jeno would just get this over with.

And that he did.

Before the man could speak another word, Jaemin saw the top of Jeno's blade threw the man. He blinked and looked away, making sure Renjun's eye's were still covered. Jeno pulled the knife out and the man fell backwards to the ground. Jeno watched as he twitched on the ground and made one last attempt to speak before his entire body went limp and his blood began to pool onto the floor. Jeno looked up at Jaemin who had his gaze locked on him and nodded.

"Let's go."

As Jaemin helped Renjun out of the house Renjun was silent. They both knew Renjun saw. It was clear. But Jeno just cleaned the blood off his blade and hands the best he could before he to piled out the window after them.

Then they ran.


AN: eeeyyy part 1 hope you enjoyed yeah.. Uh.. Sorry that Jeno's a murderer.. Anyways, I love you beautiful human!!

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