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AN: okay, so tbh this chapter is getting on my nerves cuz wattpad is being dumb and keeps randomly deleting huge chunks of it and I'm kinda done cuz i was almost done with the boring part and it deleted it, so I'm sorry if some of this seems half assed here. It will get better i swear and the next chapter will be more interesting to.. We be getting closer to the finale!! K, love ya.

He looked up at his brother from his spot on the ground.

"Chanyeol please! Let me go!"

Chanyeol snickered.

"After what you just saw?" Chanyeol looked at Jaemin behind him. "What do you think Jaemin?" Jaemin shrugged.

"Let him go. He's no use to us here anyway. He already gave us all the information we needed.."


The two men turned to Baekhyun as he spoke.

"Don't let Kyungsoo go! He knows now and could tell the whole of Neo Tech about it! Plus, he would be a good way to get things out of Neo Tech as a hostage.." Chanyeol nodded. He looked at Kyungsoo who was struggling to his feet and kicked him down again. He fell and groaned as he felt the pain in his side act up again.

"I bet it hurts huh brother.. But it's just what you deserve.. Believe me." He growled through clenched teeth. Kyungsoo looked up through blurry, tear filled eyes.

"Why.. Why do I deserve this?"

"Don't think I forgot what you did to mom."

Kyungsoo's breath hitched.

And it was back.

The long aching pain left from his mothers death growing stronger then ever.

"What did I do to her?" Chanyeol laughed before looking at his brother with an evil smile.

"You really don't remember! You're worse then I thought... Do you not remember what you did? How much stress you caused her? How everything she ever did and worked toward was all for you! She was always obsessed with you. I don't know how anyone could love a filthy rat such as yourself! How do you live.." Kyungsoo flinched at every insult flying his way, barely struggling now. He did however take careful note of how Jaemin uneasily shifted from foot to foot and didn't look at him.

Was Jaemin feeling empathy?

"L-let him go Chanyeol. He'll just make it harder for all of us if he sticks around." Jaemin finnaly said, raising his voice to sound more sure of himself then he looked. Kai watched Jaemin calmly with admiration, but others, like Suho, Chen, and Baekhyun, sent him suspicious glares.
Chanyeol scoffed and waved his hand, gesturing for Kyungsoo to leave.

So he did.

As quickly as he could.



Jeno quickly covered his mouth. He hadn't meant to blurt out his thoughts like that but he had to admit he was surprised. There were so many people in this group who deserved the position more then him.

Or so he thought.

But his mind was pulled back to Chenle's words.

Only he could save them.

He walked forward, through the small crowd and toward Taeyong. When he arrived, he got a warm smile from the former leader. He could feel cold disapproving glares on his back as he bowed at Taeyong. As he stood back up straight, Taeyong grabbed his arm and leaned forward.

"Don't worry about them. They're all just jealous." Taeyong whispered with a slight smirk. Jeno chuckled and took up the position beside Taeyong. Johnny beside him, leaned down.

"Sir.. I want you to know you have my full support." He whispered before straightening and looking blankly at the crowd. Jeno followed, standing still and looking out at the crowd with confidence and authority. He didn't even hear Taeyong's words to the crowd. Instead, he focused in on one person toward the back who was giving him the most proud look of all.

"I have my own reasons for choosing him, and I hope you-" Taeyong was cut off by a lpud knock on the door. It suddenly became dead silent, the sense of authority replaced with an urgency to protect. All around him, the men began moving, getting weapons and hiding.

But Renjun just stood, unable to move.

Caught in a horrible memory.

His father walked in that evening as drunk as always and Renjun wasn't surprised to hear he would be having another customer for the night.

He sighed.

But after his father walked closer, Renjun noticed something different.

An underlying fear in his movements.

The sense of regret in his voice.

His father had done more then drink that night.

"Fuckin slut! G-get your ass ready!" His father said. The stutter surprised him as this wasn't anormal habit of his fathers.

Knowing what would happen if he didn't, he went to his room to change into the outfit his father required him to wear on these nights: a white button up dress shirt with black slacks that hugged his body tightly, revealing every curve imaginable.

The worst part was, it was the nicest outfit he had, and it was only to be used for these nights.

As he began to button up the shirt, there was a loud knock on his bedroom door.

"One moment please!" He had called.
But whoever it was, they weren't feeling patient that night.

He barged in and grabbed Renjun's wrists, pushing him violently against the wall behind him. He cried out a bit at the action.

Sure he had dealt with obnoxious and needy customers before, but none like this.

The man was tall and well built, but Renjun never got to make out his face as it was covered by a mask.

But he would always remember the seductive tone the man had spoke in when he spoke his first words to Renjun.

"Tonight, you're all mine, and I don't want to hear a word about anyone else.. Got it?" Renjun had nodded violently as he hoped the man would losen his grip on his wrists...


Renjun was brought back to reality by Jeno's voice. He looked around himself and noticed he was hiding behind one of the large beams providing support for the church.

Everyone else had also taken up positions and they had there eyes fixed on the door as Taeyong slowly opened it.


And in limped a badly wounded and bleeding Kyungsoo. He stumbled forward before falling on the dirt covered ground. He spat up a bit of blood and his breathing was heavy.

What he did next scared Renjun the most.

He looked up slowly.

He carefully met Jeno's gaze.

And he shakily breathed:

"Chanyeol is coming for you Lee Jeno..
And this time,
                          He will win."


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