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a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.



Happy personal associations.

That's the dictionary definition for nostalgia.

So why was it that when Jeno starred out at the city skyline from the top of the familiar parking garage, he wondered why his nostalgia felt anything but that.

It wasn't full of bliss and joy.

Just a painful longing for something more then what he had.

But what more could he want?

After all, he had everything right now.

People to support him.

A lover to stand by his side through it all.

A strong leader ship.

So why did it feel like part of him was missing?

A small voice in the back of his head breathed the name of what he was missing.


But he refused to believe that he was longing for the same person who heartlessly murdered his own brother. The person who watched Chanyeol murder Taeyong. The person who he swore to kill before this battles end.

Renjun looked at Jeno before him. Everyone else in neo tech was gathered behind them, loading their weapons and preparing for the final battle.

But Renjun was too busy watching Jeno, wondering about the prophecy.

The younger turned abruptly and shook his head as if to scare away any of his thoughts. When he saw Renjun, he stopped and gave the older a forced smile somehow filled with determination.

"Jeno... I'm scared." Renjun admitted, fidgeting with his hands and cursing himself out for acting like a flustered teen confessing to his crush.

But Jeno's warm smile made all the guilt and worry subside.

"Renjun, we have the advantage remember. We have more members! We can beat them easily." Renjun wanted to speak his concerns but he was worried he would crush Jeno's hope in the process.

So he stayed silent and also forced a smile to the younger, watching helplessly as Jeno nodded and walked on past him, ordering his men to follow him before heading to the lower levels.

Renjun watched as they slowly all disappeared from his sight. He looked up towards the sky where the once cloud covered light of day was now revealed.

But what he saw was anything but normal.

He squinted his eyes, tilted his head, he even tried looking away and back again, but he wasn't imagining things.

The moon was very close to the sun.

Almost to the point that in a couple hours, it could cover the sun, causing the suns rays to die and they would be shrouded by a ghostly evening light.

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