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AN: made an edit of Jeno for my next story called 'Please Delete' its a Nomin one that I'll write after this book is over. We are getting closer and closer to the end and I just wanna say thank you for all the support. Okay, on with the story!


Jaemin took a drag off the cigarette in his hand and turned to see the face of a man he didn't want to confront right now.

"Chanyeol.." He responded and slowly exhaled the harmful smoke.

"I wanted to thank you for the information you gave us.. I dont think you fully understand just how helpful that was to us." Jaemin nodded and looked back out to the street.

They were at the club, on the balcony currently overlooking the street. Jaemin had been alone, rethinking everything that had happened in the span of less then four months.

While thinking to himself, he realized something:

He had to get the hell out of here.

"Is there something on your mind Jaemin?" Chanyeol asked, suspicion evedent in his voice. Jaemin shook his head and flicked some ash off the cigarette in his hand. Chanyeol simply nodded and walked back inside, lighting a candle on the small balcony table with the snap of his finger as he reentered the building.

"What's on your mind Jaem?"

Jaemin flinched.

Only Jeno had ever called him that.

He turned slowly, hope flaring in his heart. Maybe he could finally apologize. Finally go back to his Nono and his Junnie and finally be happy.

Maybe he could finally be forgiven for what he had done.

But he barely knew this voice...

"Something is definitely on his mind.. He looks like a deer in headlights!" Jaemin felt his posture relax and barely noticed the slight smile tugging at his lips when he recognized Baekhyun's honey-like voice.

"Its nothing I cant handle.." Jaemin said before looking back to the street. Baekhyun walked up to his side and that was when Jaemin realized who the first voice had been.

It was Kai.

He hadn't gotten to know Kai very well, but from what he had seen, Baekhyun and Kai were very close friends.

"So what is it then Min?" Kai said, repeating his first sentence and lightly nudging Jaemin with his elbow before taking a swig of his beer. Baekhyun chuckled at his friend.

"Kai, are you just gonna keep breaking off parts of his name till you find a nickname you like?" Kai nodded excitedly with a tipsy smile before drinking a little more.

Jaemin laughed lightly at Kai.

The first time he had felt this happy since that night, as they ran down the street in pure bliss, unaware of the events to come in the following days and how drastically they would change them.

It seemed lile so long ago..

"My friends used to call me..." Jaemin hesitated and began to frown a bit as he recalled Jeno and Renjun happily calling his name. "Nana....."

Kai laughed loud and hard, seeming to almost not have breath left after.

"Yah! I like that one!" He managed as he continued to laugh.

Baekhyun frowned as he noticed the change in mood his drunk friend had caused.

"Hey Kai, could you go get me and Jaemin a drink?" Jaemin was about to insist otherwise until he noticed the olders expression.

"Sure!" Kai yelled before stumbling a bit on his way back towards the door to the bar.

Baekhyun laughed when Kai was gone, his breath coming out in clouds as he did. The black leather jacket that Baekhyun was wearing reeked of cigarette smoke and alcohol, but the scent was somehow comforting to Jaemin, especially when it mixed with the sweet scent that the older seemed to carry without the jacket.

He watched out of his perifferal vision as Baekhyun took out and lit a cigerette of his own, taking a drag from it and swinging his arm to his side.

"Smoking is really bad for you... But damn does it help take your mind off the shit the world throws you.."

Jaemin nodded his agreement before putting the remains of his cigerette out on the ashtray beside him on the railing.

"Will you answer me truthfully now..? Chanyeol's drunk as hell too, no matter how sober he may tell you he is, he's fucking wasted."

Baekhyun said and he chuckled a bit. Jaemin left the olders question unanswered, the silence between them growing.

"Not saying I'm totally sober myself.." Baekhyun sighed when he still didnt get much response from Jaemin, so, he decided, maybe he needed to start the conversation.

"Chanyeol's brother... D.O... He was always my favorite when it came to my friends younger siblings, but Chanyeol treated him like shit.. Especially after their mothers death." Jaemin looked over, suddenly intrigued by what Baekhyun was saying.

"He always blames Kyungsoo for their mothers death.." Baekhyun let out a slow breath, smoke clouding the air as he did.

"Chanyeol killed her....." Baekhyun said shakily, looking out at the street and taking a trembling drag from his cigarette. "Chanyeol killed her because the government told him too. The government tested their pills on Chanyeol first, before anyone else, to make sure it wouldn't kill the host. They then told him to kill his mother. They wanted proof that their monstrous creation was working..." Baekhyun's voice shook as he continued on the horrible topic.

"Chanyeol was raised to be a heartless killer and when I found him, all I wanted was to save him from himself.. But I guess people like him dont get happy endings." Baekhyun bent over, propping his elbows on the railing as he continued to smoke.

"Your friend Haechan reminded me of Chanyeol, and I'm damn glad Chanyeol didnt let him join us.. I fear the boy wouldve become the same breed as Chanyeol- simply out for bloody vengence over nothing." Baekhyun sighed and stood up straight again, walking over and putting out his cigarette in the ashtray.

"I'm sure Kai fell asleep while ordering our drinks.. I'm going inside. Its too cold out here. You should too. Last thing you want is to get hypothermia before you can fight for this cause to ban empathy." Baekhyun said with a bitter smile, patting Jaemin on the back before leaving the younger to his thoughts.

When he entered the bar though, he saw something that he didn't want to.


"Baekhyun! What do you think of our newest member!" Chanyeol said, giving a devilish grin before walking past the stunned Baekhyun, leading Haechan off to get a drink.

Baekhyuns heart dropped when he realised something horrible-

We might actually win this war.


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