#11 Run

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Jeno woke up to see everyone around him in a panic. Yuta was pacing a little further down the alley, Mark was on his feet, head hung with a guilty look on his face, Jisung was comforting Chenle, and Jaemin was unconsciously biting his nails and staring off. But what concerned Jeno the most was that, Renjun and Haechan were nowhere to be seen. Jeno quickly stood up, ignoring the sleepiness he had felt moments before and walked over to Yuta. The older looked at him.

"Jeno, I'm sorry we didn't wake you but there isn't much we can do anyway-"

"Of course there is! You could have woke me up and we could have sent people out in groups to find them!" Jeno sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Now it's too late.." Just as he finished his sentence, two fimiliar figures and an extra unfamiliar one appeared silhouetted at the end of the alley. Jeno ran towards them. "Where have you two been!? Why didn't you tell anyone you were-"

"Jeno, we were getting breakfast!" Renjun said, proudly holding out the bag of bagels him and Haechan had earned. Now the man behind them gained Jeno's attention.

And not in a good way either.

Jeno pulled his switch out of his pocket and aproached the man, pushing Haechan and Renjun behind him.

"And did this man bother you?" He asked as he got closer. The man didn't even seem phased. He just stood without a hint of fear as if he was invincible.

"NO! No! He g-gave us these!" Renjun said, indicating the bag in his hand. "He- he said he wanted t-to join us!" Jeno looked at the man.

"Damn... Chanyeol was right.."

"What was that?" Jeno asked. He couldn't qiet hear what the man had said. He cleared his throat and nervously held out his hand, as Haechan had earlier.

"I'm Kyungsoo. You can call me-"

"Monster!" Haechan yelled, interrupting Kyungsoo with a song reference. He recieved nothing but glares and confused looks so he shrugged. "Guess there aren't any k-pop fans here.." He muttered. The man cleared his throat after the awkward interuption.

"D.O.... I go by D.O." he said, this time wording it more carefully. Jeno cautiously accepted the handshake.

"Jeno.." He replied. He wasted no time in pulling his hand away again. "How do you know about us.." D.O. sighed.

"My brother... Chanyeol.. He's the leader of EXO.... The gang, you know, your rivals. Well, I hate him.. And so do you guys, so I figured maybe I could join and stop my idiotic brother from creating a world filled with heartless maniacs like himself." Jeno nodded slowly. Sounded like a valid enough reason. He turned to the group of teenagers who had gathered behind him before glancing at Yuta.

"Give me a moment please.." He said before walking deeper into the alley, out of earshot from the rest so long as he kept his voice down. He took a small fimiliar black chip out of his pocket and carefully adjusted it in his ear before pressing the small button labelled 'call' in messy handwriting. The device buzzed briefly and emitted a steady static noise before a voice crackled on from the other line.

"Jeno?" The voice asked.

"Taeyong, I have a question.."

"Okay... What is it?"

"Sooo... A man by the name of Kyungsoo just asked if he could join.. His reasons were valid. He's Chanyeol's brother and he completely disagrees with him on the matter. He claims he wants to stop Chanyeol before he creates a world of heartless maniacs.... What do you think?" There was a long pause on the other end and an uneasy sigh came from Taeyong.

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