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Renjun looked nervously toward the church doors as they began to open. It was dark outside but even by the dim light of the moon, Renjun could tell it was Jeno and the others. He ran forward toward Jeno, ignoring Mark as he began to carry Haechan up the stairs. Jeno looked so tired.

"What happened Jen?" He said in a bit of a panic as he began to smooth out the wrinkles in Jeno's clothes and fix the youngers slightly disheveled hair.

"He's alive..." Renjun's eyes widened.

"Junnie.. Our Nana is alive... I-I didn't kill him....." Jeno said as he began to cry. Part of him was relieved but the other part felt so torn that Jaemin was still on EXO's side.

Had he had anything to do with Taeyong's injury?

Did he give the command to hurt Haechan?

"He's a traitor.." Renjun mumbled. "Our best friend.. Is a filthy traitor."
He felt more sorrow rush over him as he was pulled into a memory from before all of this.

Before Empathy was a concept of importance to them.

Before they even knew about Neo Tech.


Before Jeno was a murderer.

Before Jaemin was a traitor...

"Jaeminie..." Renjun said. He sniffled from all the crying and readjusted a bit in Jaemin's arms.

"What is it Renjun?"

".. Do you think I'm gross? Do you think I'm the scum of the earth because every week I'm put with a new man?"
Jaemin furrowed his brows.

"Renjun, I know it's not your choice to do so.. No I don't think you're gross. You are the most beautiful thing ever in my eyes..."



"Please don't leave me... Ever.."

"Of course not injunie..."

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part."

"He promised..."

"What?" Jeno looked at Renjun and raised a brow, not quiet knowing why Renjun said that. What had Jaemin promised?

"Nothing.." Renjun said, shaking his head and burying it in Jeno's chest, grabbing the youngers jacket harshly in his fists as he did. Jeno didn't question him more and just quietly heald the older boy as he cried a bit without Jeno's knowledge.

"I miss him Nono.."

"I miss him too. But he isn't on our side anymore. You have to promise me Junnie that if he tries to approach you, you will run. The last thing I need is that bastard killing another one of my men.." Renjun looked up at him.


Jeno looked down at Renjun with wide eyes before looking up to notice everyone else's gazes on him. His gaze darkened.

He hadn't told them..

"J-Jaemin took part in killing Chenle."


Chanyeol looked at Jaemin, who's expression was devoid of emotion.

"We need you to tell us everything you can about Neo Tech." He looked down at his feet. Should he really tell the truth? Did he really want to give away everything to them that could be the death of Neo Tech? They might not be his gang anymore, they might not trust him, but maybe he could still help them...

He must not have realized just how long he was silent for because Chanyeol was growing impatient.

He trailed a finger under Jaemin's chin and raised the boys head, forcing him to make eye contact.

"Jaemin... You aren't thinking of betraying us, are you? Because they have nothing to offer you and I guarantee you that they wont let you back, no matter what you do. You have no choice here really.." Jaemin took a shaky breath and shook his head.

"No Chanyeol. Why would I betray you for a bunch of weak idiots?" At this Chanyeol smiled and removed his hand from Jaemin's head. Jaemin sighed and crossed his arms.

"Where should I start..."


An erie silence fell over the group. Some looked at each other while others stared at Jeno in shock.
But one reaction caught Jeno's attention right away..

Jisung's expression darkened and his gaze clouded with a mixture of hatred, disgust, and sorrow. He clenched his jaw and his hands balled into fists.

"Fucking bastard!" Jisung yelled turning to the stone pillar beside him and punching it.

"Stop! Jisung stop!" Renjun yelled in protest, running over to the boy and trying to hold him back, but Jisung was too strong. "Help me!" Renjun said frantic ally, looking to Jeno for assistance.

Jeno came over and managed to stop Jisung, him and Renjun working together to calm the boy in their arms.

And from the top of the balcony, Haechan, who had stoped with Mark to watch what was happening, smiled a sick and sadistic smile as he felt pity well within him. It may seem to the average person like a bad emotion, that could leave you feeling sick after..

But to Haechan, any emotion was a good emotion.

"Haechanie? You alright?" Haechan shook his head and hid his smile from Mark.

"Yes.. Lets go..."


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